The main distribution parameters of TE contents in plants and snails
sampled on the 25 plots studied are given in Table 1. The median con-
centrations in Cd,Cu,Pb and Zn were 7-to21-fold higher in snail viscera
than in plant leaves. For Cr and Ni the median concentrations in snails
and plants were about the same, while for As the measured concentrations were about 2-fold higher in plants than in snails. However there
was a great variability in TE contents, both in plants and snails, as
shown by the wide ranges of the data, and the median absolute devia-
tion (MAD) values which were often close to the medians. This was
obviously due to the large diversity of the studied sites, in termsof pedological characteristics and contamination levels (see S2 and S3).Consequently, we further examined the data in more details by separating
values from the different sites and plots studied.
The main distribution parameters of TE contents in plants and snails
sampled on the 25 plots studied are given in Table 1. The median con-
centrations in Cd,Cu,Pb and Zn were 7-to21-fold higher in snail viscera
than in plant leaves. For Cr and Ni the median concentrations in snails
and plants were about the same, while for As the measured concentrations were about 2-fold higher in plants than in snails. However there
was a great variability in TE contents, both in plants and snails, as
shown by the wide ranges of the data, and the median absolute devia-
tion (MAD) values which were often close to the medians. This was
obviously due to the large diversity of the studied sites, in termsof pedological characteristics and contamination levels (see S2 and S3).Consequently, we further examined the data in more details by separating
values from the different sites and plots studied.