The Architectural Association Foster + Partners Prize for 2016 has been awarded to Sho Ito for his proposal ‘I Live the Way I Want’, which ‘attempts to re-think the meaning of domestic spaces and to challenge the traditional housing model that has failed to provide new forms of living.’
The annual prize goes to an outstanding project dealing with issues of infrastructure, and sustainable architecture. The jury, led by Armstrong Yakubu, Partner at Foster + Partners, felt that the work presented by each of the participants was of an exceptional quality, with the seven shortlisted projects dealing with a wide range of thought- provoking issues.
Ito described his project as an attempt to ‘provoke questions of occupation, family structures and modern lifestyles that has a large effect on the built environment & contemporary housing needs. Whilst at the same time to rationally analyse and articulate construction methods and processes to ensure a streamline process, from extraction of materials, transportation, distribution, implementation to even the maintenance of the built structure. This is to reduce, compromise and optimize unnecessary spaces, materials, construction process and many more to reduce the construction cost, which is intrinsically linked to the rental fees.’
‘I live the way I want, is not just a critique about the housing crisis, but a question on how to occupy domestic spaces when patterns of life are changing so rapidly whilst architecture struggles to adapt to these changes. On a larger context, how the ideology and system, can become a means to re-organise the city, and respond to contemporary housing needs. Where it attempts to find the common ground, through blurring thresholds of differences and individual priorities. And ultimately provoking questions about the ‘home’.’
Armstrong Yakubu, Partner, Foster + Partners:
“Once again the students showed an excellent variety of projects, leaving each one of us with much to think about. The work presented was of exceptional quality, but Sho’s work had a great deal of maturity of thought, taking an innovative approach to tackle one of the most pressing issues facing UK cities today. I would like to congratulate him on winning the prize, and hope to see him develop his ideas further in the future.”
建築協會福斯特 + 2016 年夥伴獎被授予了 Sho Ito 贊成他的建議我活我想要的方式,其中試圖重新思考國內空間的意義並挑戰未能提供生活的新形式的傳統房屋模型。'年度獎優秀專案處理的基礎設施和可持續建築的問題。陪審團,由雅庫布 · 阿姆斯壯,福斯特的合夥人 + 夥伴,領導工作,提出了每個參與者的感覺是特殊的品質,七個入圍專案處理廣泛的思想發人深省的問題。Ito 形容他的專案對企圖 ' 惹的佔領、 家庭結構和有較大影響的建築的環境及當代的住屋需要的現代生活方式的問題。同時,合理地分析和闡明施工方法和過程,以確保作業流程,從提取的材料、 運輸、 分發、 執行甚至建結構的維護。這是為了降低、 妥協和優化不必要的空格、 材料、 施工工藝和更多的降低建設成本,這息息相關的租賃費用.'‘I live the way I want, is not just a critique about the housing crisis, but a question on how to occupy domestic spaces when patterns of life are changing so rapidly whilst architecture struggles to adapt to these changes. On a larger context, how the ideology and system, can become a means to re-organise the city, and respond to contemporary housing needs. Where it attempts to find the common ground, through blurring thresholds of differences and individual priorities. And ultimately provoking questions about the ‘home’.’Armstrong Yakubu, Partner, Foster + Partners:“Once again the students showed an excellent variety of projects, leaving each one of us with much to think about. The work presented was of exceptional quality, but Sho’s work had a great deal of maturity of thought, taking an innovative approach to tackle one of the most pressing issues facing UK cities today. I would like to congratulate him on winning the prize, and hope to see him develop his ideas further in the future.”