Again it is assumed that α = 0and the parameter values as inSection III are used. Table IV briefly shows some results, and itcan be seen that in each case L∗ = 1as expected. Regarding thecost of “ignorance,” the marginal increased cost of repeated inspectionscan be calculated. Therein, repeated inspection leadsto greater cost and lower availability with increasing L. Themarginal increased cost of repeated inspection is greatest whenthe mean delay-time is the smallest (39% for L = 2 when λ = 2and 44% for L = 2 when λ = 0.5). Also, as L increases, T∗ decreases(more frequent inspection) but not so much that LT∗ remainsconstant. Thus, increasing the inspection frequency doesnot compensate for repeated inspection, presumably becauseof the imperfect inspection. Indeed, for larger β1 or β2 , LT∗increases with L more rapidly than for smaller β1 or β2 .