I am equally obliged to taste history, why being a man of God, anyone who otherwise live? 10-David's confession-how such a reaction can be seen in front of the Philistines?.
God does not look right, in front of the world's fight "stingy". David's back-stupid Saul. Ashamed and mad at my situation! Should Shanghai pride ... He has to mean ' God ' you ' with? ' Confessions of a person may be.
A history of God, since when has been swayed by the people? "God", for those who might be able to tell. One thing is obvious, God find a Chair to worship. We have put faith in the next generation of difficulty ... However, God will go to pull! We wish to. When you want to put down, but "Yes, thank you." he can until it. .. Until then, racing to be us.
As God-given one day to live. But only God's history can tell you this I confess this to go living a life ... Blessing.