I asked to move!" She scuffs her boot against the ground. "See- We were looking through my great-grandpa's old things and we found some letters, and I think he never got to send them. He told my Grandma about them, and my Papa." She shifts the bag that's under her arm around, reaching into it and rifling around with a chorus of metallic clanks and toys squeaking. "He never did send them, but that doesn't mean they shouldn't get to where they were heading. It's important! He wanted them to get there and they might be late, but-"She pulls out a stained envelope, fussing over it to try and flatten it out, then offers it."But maybe it's destiny, or something," Jade mumbles, as Bro lowers his mug and stares at the letter like he thinks it's going to bite him. "He thought it was. Because, um. You wrote first, didn't you? And you thought he didn't see it but he did."The moment his eyebrows rise, his hand shakes so much you think he's going to drop the mug. He manages to put it down, taking the paper and staring at in silence for the longest time, the rest of you so quiet it's like you've all forgotten how to breathe."...Because maybe you wouldn't have been like that for him," Jade finishes finally, reaching up to tug at the braid her long, dark hair is woven into. "But maybe you would've been. And you might never know now, but if he could've, he would've found out. I promise. It would've been worth it, for him. He was- He was really nice. I never knew him, but I know that. He was the best great-grandpa ever and he never even knew."Rose gently puts a hand on her shoulder as she wetly inhales, fidgeting with her rings again."Thank you for being real, Mister Strider. Because I never got to do anything for him, even though he's done so much for me. Thank you for being here so I could do this."Bro puts the letter down slowly, looking at her like he's seeing her for the first time. He moves slow at first, testing the water, before he goes to touch her shoulder and Jade just thuds forward, wrapping her arms around his chest and burying her face in his shirt.He hugs her back like he isn't sure how, and you feel Rose's fingers brush yours, closing your hand around hers and squeezing it gently, stabilising yourself and her in the same motion."Thank you," he rasps, the only sign he's trying not to cry. "Thank you."The moment burns in your memory forever.Green is heart and soul, and a chance taken no matter the risk.Green is what you needed most.-oOoOoOo-It's six in the morning and you haven't slept, but that's okay. The bench is hard and cold, and though you've done your best to make it comfortable, your folded jacket can only do so much. Above you the sky is a pleasant white-grey, and the green trees are caught in a breeze that makes them shiver and shake, reminding you of a promise you made to yourself silently as you helped Jade cut vegetables and bickered with Bro about whether Rose was old enough to use an oven.The roar of traffic is just enough to keep you awake, the engines whizzing past you and over you far too loud to let your mind settle, even if it was capable of it as it is right now.It's not.It's racing three times as fast as the beat you tap out on your leg, at least, and speeding up all the time.God, of all the dumb things you could do. Of all the ridiculous, risky, idiotic things you could do-"Dave?"You know that voice. It's etched deep in your mind and you'd know it anywhere, the way it lifts and falls, the way your name is slightly gasped, the way it bubbles up like it's a laugh. A bag hits the ground and you raise your head, chasing the voice back to a face and a body and a boy who is looking at you like you're the most beautiful thing in the world."John."John Egbert runs up and lifts you clean off the ground as you manage to stand, spinning you and laughing as you hold him just as tight.The leaves shiver in the wind, and, oh, oh, oh-!And oh, the sky is blue.