They had all prepared for the surgery and were moving George. Because of his mad ravings, the young man had to be sedated and restrained. It may be extreme, but so was trying to rip out everyone’s jugulars with your teeth. If the surgeons cared at all that they were operating on a celebrity, they didn't show it. Perhaps they didn't want to acknowledge the possibility of a member of their favorite band going insane. Stop. At this moment, the demon stirred. These crass beasts, they would slaughter the child with their reckless hacking. If you want a job done right, you do it yourself. It filled the room with a thick black smoke and waited for its effects to take place. Soon, there was just it and George. It remembered when they first met, how he screamed in terror, but seeing him now brought him joy. George had fully accepted what was happening and was now staring with peaceful eyes. It really couldn't have picked a better mother. George silently watched as the creature dragged the unconscious bodies out of sight. The smoke in the room smelled quite pleasant, like incense. He was nervous, but also excited. You did well, George. This will only hurt for a moment. I promise. It brandished its talon-like claws. It traced the path where it would make the incision on his lower abdomen and looked at George. He merely stared back, almost in an impatient way, like he was telling it to hurry up and finish the job.
They had all prepared for the surgery and were moving George. Because of his mad ravings, the young man had to be sedated and restrained. It may be extreme, but so was trying to rip out everyone’s jugulars with your teeth. If the surgeons cared at all that they were operating on a celebrity, they didn't show it. Perhaps they didn't want to acknowledge the possibility of a member of their favorite band going insane.<br><br> <br><br>Stop.<br><br> <br><br>At this moment, the demon stirred. These crass beasts, they would slaughter the child with their reckless hacking. <br><br> <br><br>If you want a job done right, you do it yourself.<br><br> <br><br>It filled the room with a thick black smoke and waited for its effects to take place. Soon, there was just it and George.<br><br> <br><br>它記得,當他們第一次見面時,他驚恐地尖叫如何,但看到他現在給他帶來的快樂。喬治已經完全接受了發生了什麼事,並與現在和平眼睛注視著。這真的再也找不到這麼一個更好的母親。<br><br> <br><br>喬治默默地看著生物拖著昏迷機構的視線。房間裡的煙聞起來很愉快,就像香。他很緊張,但也興奮。<br><br> <br><br>你做的很好,喬治。這只會傷害了一會兒。我承諾。<br><br> <br><br>它揮舞它的爪狀的爪子。它追踪它將使他的下腹部切口,看著喬治的路徑。他只是盯著回來,幾乎是在急躁的方式,像他告訴它快點完成工作。