1 "To supply and install top hung cabinet c/w lockable swing door panel in laminate finish and LED strip at bottom
Size: 2500mmL x 350mmW x 1940mmH
Location: Pre Check Room & Dispense Room & Treatment Room"
2 "To supply and install low cabinet c/w lockable swing door panel in laminate finish and qurtz countertop
Size: 2500mmL x 600mmW x 850mmH
Location: Pre Check Room & Dispense Room & Treatment Room"
3 "To supply and install low brochure cabinet c/w swing door panel, 18mm thk plywood door, pull handle with SS trim with abs edging, 12mm thk quarts recon stonetop on plywood backing, provide eased edges amd laminate fnishes
Size: 1800mmL x 455mmW x 850mmH
Location: Waiting Area"
4 "To supply and install low beverage bay c/w swing door panel, 12mm thk quarts recon stonetop on plywood backing, provide eased edges amd laminate fnishes
Size: 1800mmL x 455mmW x 850mmH
Location: Waiting Area"
5 "To supply and install full height cabinet c/w lockable swing door panel, glass with digital print on 6mm thk plywood backing
Size: 2000mmL x 450mmW x 3390mmH
Location: Business Centre / Office"
6 "To supply and install Business office counter c/w laminate finish & silestone counter top
Size: 4302mmL x 800mmW x 700mmH
Location: Business Centre / Office"
7 "To supply and install POS counter c/w laminate finish & silestone counter top
Size: 8900mmL x 800mmW x 700mmH
Location: POS"
8 "To supply and install reception counter cladding in stone top and front panel
Size: 7000mmL x 800mmW x 1100mmH
Location: 2nd Floor Reception"
9 "To supply and install full height cabinet c/w lockable swing door panel, glass with digital print on 6mm thk plywood backing
Size: 6000mmL x 600mmW x 3800mmH
Location: 2nd Floor Reception"
10 "To supply and install top hung cabinet c/w lockable swing door panel c/w laminate finishes
Size: 4430mmL x 400mmW x 3800mmH
Location: Exam Room"
11 "To supply and install low cabinet c/w swing door panel and qurtz countertop
Size: 4430mmL x 600mmW x 3800mmH
Location: Exam Room"
12 "To supply and install top hung cabinet c/w lockable swing door panel c/w laminate finishes
Size: 2500mmL x 400mmW x 3800mmH
Location: Exam Room"
13 "To supply and install low cabinet c/w swing door panel and qurtz countertop
Size: 2500mmL x 600mmW x 3800mmH
Location: Exam Room"
14 "To supply and install wardrobe c/w lockable swing door panel in laminate finish
Size: 1000mmL x 500mmW x 2400mmH
Location: Consult Room, VIP Consult Room & ENT Consult Room & TCM Treatment Room"
15 "To supply and install hanging cabinet in laminate finishes c/w task light
Size: 900mmL x 100mmW x 950mmH
Location: Consult Room, VIP Consult Room & ENT Consult Room & TCM Treatment Room"
16 "To supply and instal PPE cabinet above wash basin c/w mirror and metal finish
Size: 650mmL x 300mmW x 1300mmH
Location: Consult Room, VIP Consult Room & ENT Consult Room & TCM Treatment Room"
17 "To supply and install writing board in 9mm thk back painted glass with SS trim around c/w timber backing
Size: 900mmL x 50mmW x 700mmH
Location: Consult Room, VIP Consult Room & ENT Consult Room & TCM Treatment Room"