Specific aspects of the two prophecies were not fulfilled. The Davidic dynasty was not restored to power as Ezekiel had expected, and the creation of a unified world empire with Jerusalem as the spiritual center was not achieved. However, some of the hopes of our two writers were fulfilled significantly. Babylon was conquered by Cyrus, who did establish a more just and humane policy toward subject peoples. Jewish exiles were permitted to return to their homeland. Jerusalem was rebuilt, and the temple of Yahweh reestablished. New forms of social organization, worship, and education were developed among Jewish communities. The people of the covenant increased enormously in numbers, and they became one of the most creative peoples of the ancient world. The institution of the synagogue took form in the postexilic era, and it has persisted to the present day as a fundamental institution of Judaism. The Hebrew Bible was given its canonical form in those centuries also, and ultimately became the Holy Scriptures for millions of Jews and Christians. These are the principal ways in which the glory of God appeared to those who had eyes to see.
Specific aspects of the two prophecies were not fulfilled. The Davidic dynasty was not restored to power as Ezekiel had expected, and the creation of a unified world empire with Jerusalem as the spiritual center was not achieved. However, some of the hopes of our two writers were fulfilled significantly. Babylon was conquered by Cyrus, who did establish a more just and humane policy toward subject peoples. Jewish exiles were permitted to return to their homeland. Jerusalem was rebuilt, and the temple of Yahweh reestablished. New forms of social organization, worship, and education were developed among Jewish communities. The people of the covenant increased enormously in numbers, and they became one of the most creative peoples of the ancient world. The institution of the synagogue took form in the postexilic era, and it has persisted to the present day as a fundamental institution of Judaism. The Hebrew Bible was given its canonical form in those centuries also, and ultimately became the Holy Scriptures for millions of Jews and Christians. These are the principal ways in which the glory of God appeared to those who had eyes to see.