The Telekinetic Enhancer is a valuable tool that will allow you to dev的繁體中文翻譯

The Telekinetic Enhancer is a valua

The Telekinetic Enhancer is a valuable tool that will allow you to develop your telekinetic abilities by giving you a visible indication of your progress. Lt is a highly sensitive device that will react to the minute energy fields around the human body.
// To assemble the Telekinetic Enhancer remove the rotor and pin from the box and insert the pin up through the hole in the inside center of the cover, so that the point of the needle is going straight up through the Pewter base. Close the box Place the rotor on the needle so the indentation in the rotor rests on the point of the needle. The rotor should be able to spin freely and easily .Make sure that there are no drafts in the room that might move the rotor. Whenever you are practicing with this device, be careful not to breathe on the rotor or it may move from the heated air produced by your lungs.
// Once you start developing your telekinetic abilities and you use the device you will be convinced that the movement of the rotor is not easily explained by science. The rotor does not move by heat radiation from your hands or by air currents. It is not magnetism either because the rotor is made of aluminum.
// Step 1-The easiest way to learn to move the rotor is by cupping either hand around the rotor in a half circle and concentrate on turning it in the direction your fingers are pointing. The rotor should turn clockwise with your left hand and counter clockwise with your right hand. While using this device you must be relaxed and you should not be resting your elbows. Do not proceed until you have completely mastered this technique.
// Step "2-Although this methoStep "2-Although this method is more difficult it will teach you to direct the energy you learned to use in Step 1. Cup both your hands around the rotor being careful not to let your fingertips touch. Concentrate on making the rotor move clockwise or counter clockwise. Once you have the rotor moving in the right direction try reversing the movement. Again make sure you master this method before moving on. // Step 3 using only your index finger point it toward the rotor and without touching it try to make it follow your finger, as if you were pulling it towards you, in first one direction then the other. Try it with both hands to find out which finger is better. If you can not get the rotor to follow your finger, then try to make it move away as if you were pushing on it. Make sure that you master the above steps before going any further .// The above procedures teach you how to direct and control the energy fields around your body with your mind. if you have become adept at the techniques presented here then you are ready to increase your energy flow. You can do this by placing a glass over the rotor and box so that the glass is not touching the rotor. Use the smallest glass that will fit. The rotor should still spin freely inside the gass. Utilize the methods given previously to try and make the rotor move. This will be harder to do but be persistent in your efforts and you will succeed in raising your level of energy until it is high enough to affect the rotor even though the glass is over it. Remember that the energy flow is not constant and that you will have to relax between sessions Be persistent in your efforts and you will be succeStep "2-Although this method is more difficult it will teach you to direct the energy you learned to use in Step 1. Cup both your hands around the rotor being careful not to let your fingertips touch. Concentrate on making the rotor move clockwise or counter clockwise. Once you have the rotor moving in the right direction try reversing the movement. Again make sure you master this method before moving on.
// Step 3 using only your index finger point it toward the rotor and without touching it try to make it follow your finger, as if you were pulling it towards you, in first one direction then the other. Try it with both hands to find out which finger is better. If you can not get the rotor to follow your finger, then try to make it move away as if you were pushing on it. Make sure that you master the above steps before going any further .
// The above procedures teach you how to direct and control the energy fields around your body with your mind. if you have become adept at the techniques presented here then you are ready to increase your energy flow. You can do this by placing a glass over the rotor and box so that the glass is not touching the rotor. Use the smallest glass that will fit. The rotor should still spin freely inside the gass. Utilize the methods given previously to try and make the rotor move. This will be harder to do but be persistent in your efforts and you will succeed in raising your level of energy until it is high enough to affect the rotor even though the glass is over it. Remember that the energy flow is not constant and that you will have to relax between sessions Be persistent in your efforts and you will be successful.ssful.d is more difficult it will teach you to direct the energy you learned to use in Step 1. Cup both your hands around the rotor being careful not to let your fingertips touch. Concentrate on making the rotor move clockwise or counter clockwise. Once you have the rotor moving in the right direction try reversing the movement. Again make sure you master this method before moving on.
// Step 3 using only your index finger point it toward the rotor and without touching it try to make it follow your finger, as if you were pulling it towards you, in first one direction then the other. Try it with both hands to find out which finger is better. If you can not get the rotor to follow your finger, then try to make it move away as if you were pushing on it. Make sure that you master the above steps before going any further .
// The above procedures teach you how to direct and control the energy fields around your body with your mind. if you have become adept at the techniques presented here then you are ready to increase your energy flow. You can do this by placing a glass over the rotor and box so that the glass is not touching the rotor. Use the smallest glass that will fit. The rotor should still spin freely inside the gass. Utilize the methods given previously to try and make the rotor move. This will be harder to do but be persistent in your efforts and you will succeed in raising your level of energy until it is high enough to affect the rotor even though the glass is over it. Remember that the energy flow is not constant and that you will have to relax between sessions Be persistent in your efforts and you will be successful.
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結果 (繁體中文) 1: [復制]
心靈的增強是進步的一個寶貴的工具,使您可以通過給你的你可視指示你心靈的培養。Lt 是高度敏感的設備,將應對人體周圍的微小的能量場。從框中的轉子和 pin 組裝心靈增強刪除和插入銷了從洞裡裡面中心的封面,因此它的針點通過白蠟基地將直線上升。關閉此框轉子上針的地方,所以在轉子壓痕休息的針尖。轉子應該能夠旋轉自由和輕鬆。請確保在可能移動轉子的房間裡沒有草稿。每當你在練習與此設備,小心不要在轉子上呼吸,或它可能會從你的肺部產生的熱空氣移動。一旦你開始培養你心靈的能力,您使用該設備,你一定會相信轉子的運動,不是用科學很容易解釋。從你的手或由氣流時,轉子不移動通過熱輻射。它不是磁性要麼因為轉子鋁制。步驟 1 最簡單的方法要學會移動的轉子是由拔罐要麼手繞半圈在轉子,集中精力把它在你的手指都指向的方向。轉子應與你的左手順時針和逆時針用你的右手。使用該設備時,你必須放鬆,你不應該休息你的肘部。不要進行,直到你已經完全掌握了這種技術。一步"2-雖然這 methoStep"2-雖然這種方法是更困難,它會教你要直接你學會了在步驟 1 中使用的能源。一杯你的雙手正在小心,不要讓你的指尖觸摸轉子周圍。集中精力使轉子沿順時針方向還是逆時針旋轉移動。一旦你有了轉子朝著正確的方向努力扭轉運動。再次確保你掌握這種方法移動之前。步驟 3 使用只有你的食指將它指向轉子和沒有觸及它試著讓它跟著你的手指,好像你被拉到你,在第一個方向然後其他。試試看用兩只手,要找出哪個手指是更好。如果你不能得到轉子跟隨你的手指,然後嘗試使它移走,如果你被推上。請確保你在進一步討論之前掌握上述步驟./ / 以上步驟教你如何引導和控制你用你的頭腦的身體周圍的能量場。如果你已經成為善於這裡介紹的技術然後你準備增加你的能量流。你可以通過放置玻璃轉子和框,玻璃不觸碰。使用最小的玻璃,將適合。轉子內 gass 仍應自由旋轉。利用給出以前,試圖讓轉子移動的方法。這就更難做,但要執著于你的努力,你將提高你的能量水準,直到它是高到足以影響轉子,即使玻璃是在它成功。記住能量流並不是常量,你會感到輕鬆會話之間會執著于你的努力,你將 succeStep"2-雖然這種方法是更困難,它會教你要直接你學會了在步驟 1 中使用的能源。一杯你的雙手正在小心,不要讓你的指尖觸摸轉子周圍。集中精力使轉子沿順時針方向還是逆時針旋轉移動。一旦你有了轉子朝著正確的方向努力扭轉運動。再次確保你掌握這種方法移動之前。步驟 3 使用只有你的食指將它指向轉子和沒有觸及它試著讓它跟著你的手指,好像你被拉到你,在第一個方向然後其他。試試看用兩只手,要找出哪個手指是更好。如果你不能得到轉子跟隨你的手指,然後嘗試使它移走,如果你被推上。請確保你在進一步討論之前掌握上述步驟。以上步驟教你如何引導和控制你用你的頭腦的身體周圍的能量場。如果你已經成為善於這裡介紹的技術然後你準備增加你的能量流。你可以通過放置玻璃轉子和框,玻璃不觸碰。使用最小的玻璃,將適合。轉子內 gass 仍應自由旋轉。利用給出以前,試圖讓轉子移動的方法。這就更難做,但要執著于你的努力,你將提高你的能量水準,直到它是高到足以影響轉子,即使玻璃是在它成功。記住能量流並不是常量,你會感到輕鬆會話之間會執著于你的努力,你將會 successful.ssful.d 是更加困難,它會教你要直接你學會了在步驟 1 中使用的能源。一杯你的雙手正在小心,不要讓你的指尖觸摸轉子周圍。集中精力使轉子沿順時針方向還是逆時針旋轉移動。一旦你有了轉子朝著正確的方向努力扭轉運動。再次確保你掌握這種方法移動之前。步驟 3 使用只有你的食指將它指向轉子和沒有觸及它試著讓它跟著你的手指,好像你被拉到你,在第一個方向然後其他。試試看用兩只手,要找出哪個手指是更好。如果你不能得到轉子跟隨你的手指,然後嘗試使它移走,如果你被推上。請確保你在進一步討論之前掌握上述步驟。以上步驟教你如何引導和控制你用你的頭腦的身體周圍的能量場。如果你已經成為善於這裡介紹的技術然後你準備增加你的能量流。你可以通過放置玻璃轉子和框,玻璃不觸碰。使用最小的玻璃,將適合。轉子內 gass 仍應自由旋轉。利用給出以前,試圖讓轉子移動的方法。這就更難做,但要執著于你的努力,你將提高你的能量水準,直到它是高到足以影響轉子,即使玻璃是在它成功。記住能量流並不是常量,你會感到輕鬆會話之間會執著于你的努力,你一定會成功。
結果 (繁體中文) 2:[復制]
。// 為了組裝靈力增強劑從包裝箱中取出轉子和銷和插入銷向上通過孔在蓋的內側中心,使針的點直行向上通過錫基。關閉箱放置在轉子上的針,以便在轉子壓痕靠在所述針的點。轉子應該能夠自由旋轉和容易。使確保有在可能移動轉子的房間沒有草稿。當你正在練習用這個設備,要小心,不要呼吸轉子或可以移動從肺部產生的熱空氣
。// 步驟1-最簡單的學習來移動轉子是通過在半圈拔罐任一隻手圍繞轉子,集中力量把它在方向手指不路指點。轉子應順時針轉用左手和逆時針用右手。當使用這種設備,你一定要放鬆,你不應該休息肘部。不要繼續,直到你已經完全掌握了這一技術
。// 步驟“2 -雖然這methoStep”2 -雖然這種方法是比較困難的,將教你以指導你學習步驟使用1杯你的雙手圍繞能源轉子小心不要讓你的指尖觸碰。專心製作轉子移動順時針或逆時針的。一旦你的轉子朝著正確的方向嘗試扭轉運動。再次確保你掌握移動之前此方法。//第3步只用你的食指,將其指向的轉子和不接觸盡量做到跟隨你的手指,因為如果你對你拉它,在第一個方向然後其他。用雙手試一試找出哪個手指是更好的。如果你不能得到轉子跟隨你的手指,然後試著讓它離開,如果你推它。請確保您掌握之前的任何進一步的打算//上面的步驟教你如何直接和你的頭腦控制你的身體周圍的能量場上面的步驟。如果你已經在這裡介紹的技巧駕輕就熟,那麼你就可以增加你的能量流。可以通過將玻璃在轉子和框使玻璃不會碰到轉子做到這一點。使用,將適合最小的玻璃。轉子仍然應當蓋斯內自由旋轉。利用前面給出的嘗試,使轉子移動的方法。這將是很難做,但執著於你的努力,你會在提高你的能量水平成功,直到它足夠高的影響,即使玻璃在它的轉子。請記住,能量流不是恆定的,你將有兩屆會議之間的放鬆要堅持在你的努力,你將succeStep“2 -雖然這種方法是比較困難的,將教你以指導你學習的步驟來使用能源圍繞轉子1杯你的雙手小心不要讓你的指尖觸感。專注於使轉子移動順時針或逆時針。一旦你的轉子朝著正確的方向嘗試扭轉運動,同樣要確保你掌握了這個方法在移動之前
。// 步驟3只用你的食指,將其指向的轉子和不接觸盡量做到跟隨你的手指,因為如果你對你拉它,在第一個方向然後其他。試試吧用雙手找出哪個手指比較好。如果你不能得到轉子跟隨你的手指,然後試著讓它離開,如果你推它。請確保您掌握之前,任何進一步將上述步驟
。// 以上步驟教你如何直接和你的頭腦控制你的身體周圍的能量場。如果你已經在這裡介紹的技巧駕輕就熟,那麼你就可以增加你的能量流。可以通過將玻璃在轉子和框使玻璃不會碰到轉子做到這一點。使用,將適合最小的玻璃。轉子仍然應當蓋斯內自由旋轉。利用前面給出的嘗試,使轉子移動的方法。這將是很難做,但執著於你的努力,你會在提高你的能量水平成功,直到它足夠高的影響,即使玻璃在它的轉子。請記住,能量流不是恆定的,你將有兩屆會議之間的放鬆要堅持在你的努力,你會被successful.ssful.d是比較困難的,將教你以指導你學習在步驟1中使用的能量。杯兩個轉子小心周圍的手,不要讓你的指尖觸感。專心製作轉子移動順時針或逆時針的。一旦你的轉子朝著正確的方向嘗試扭轉運動。再次確保你掌握移動之前此方法
。// 步驟3只用你的食指,將其指向的轉子和不接觸盡量做到跟隨你的手指,因為如果你對你拉它,在第一個方向那麼其他。用雙手試一試找出哪個手指是更好的。如果你不能得到轉子跟隨你的手指,然後試著讓它離開,如果你推它。請確保您掌握之前的任何進一步將上述步驟
。// 以上步驟教你如何直接和你的頭腦控制你的身體周圍的能量場。如果你已經在這裡介紹的技巧駕輕就熟,那麼你就可以增加你的能量流。可以通過將玻璃在轉子和框使玻璃不會碰到轉子做到這一點。使用,將適合最小的玻璃。轉子仍然應當蓋斯內自由旋轉。利用前面給出的嘗試,使轉子移動的方法。這將是很難做,但執著於你的努力,你會在提高你的能量水平成功,直到它足夠高的影響,即使玻璃在它的轉子。請記住,能量流不是恆定的,你將不得不放鬆之間的會話是持久的在你的努力,你就會成功。
結果 (繁體中文) 3:[復制]
/ /組裝的靈力的增强從盒子中取出轉子和銷插入銷通過在蓋的中心孔內,使針尖會直接通過白蠟基地。把轉子放在針上,把轉子放在針上,把轉子放在針上,這樣就用針在轉子上。轉子可以自由旋轉和容易。確保房間裏沒有任何可能移動轉子的匯票。當你使用這個裝置時,小心不要在轉子上呼吸,否則可能會從你的肺部產生的加熱的空氣中移動。
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