Polymeric nanoparticles can effectively alter the pharmacokinetics of drug molecules; they are currently considered the ideal formulations when developing treatments targeting chronic diseases, including diabetes . Despite the fact that hydrogels exhibit highly mucoadhesive properties, they are neutral and weakly interact with the mucosal layer of the membrane . However, cationic chitosans, which are copolymers of N-glucosamine, exhibit unique physicochemical and biological properties. In contrast, chitosans, which are cationic, natural copolymers of N-glucosamine, are produced by the deacetylation of chitin and have unique physiochemical and biological properties. Being highly biocompatible, biodegradable, and nontoxic, chitosans are unique to the development of mucoadhesive drug-delivery system (MDDS) and feature special properties . Chitosan has been widely formulated into drug carriers, including nano- to microsized particles