egarding our annual inventory count (stock-taking) we have to count/adjust the open repairs in process (only Service Level Advanced Exchange / AE) and verify that all units are physically at your premises.
In attached list you will find the repairs which we sent to you for repair/analysis.
Please add in column K if unit is existent on 31st December 2016:
y > if repair is existent (please add your expected shipping date in column L)
n > if repair is not existent - Please add comments/reasons in column L (e.g. not repairable / already shipped back on xx.xx.2016 incl. tracking number / still no goods received etc…)
The PO number (our reference) you will find in column G. You will find your RMA number in column I.
Please send the filled Excel sheet (confirmation) latest until January 4th 2017 back to our attention. If we do not receive an answer from you until 4th January 2016 we take this as confirmation that the units are with you.
You might have additional units for repair in process with Service-Level Carry In (CI). Those repairs are not stock-taking relevant and therefore not included in the list you received.
If you have additional units with the service level advanced exchange / AE or FE, please add them to the Excel file.
Thanks in advance for your support.