Ciao Giacinto/ Stew
Feedback is this…..this is very, very last minute! This is not ideal, but we’ll do our best to try and make it happen
But the following will need to agreed and arranged:
let’s reduce jerseys and balls to 8, pennants is fine at 30
tickets is 8 per game
Payment on Signing, let’s make this happen on Thursday
Final payment is due on the 25th July (but we would prefer 100% up front)
Pls make a summary for Francesca for the contract. I’d like to get agreed and signed by Thursday/ and they transfer the funds as well. James and I need to see this ASAP
Pls send BB the list of agreed assets, so she can get an account manager on it
Pls work with BB to source an image of 4 players
Pls make sure BB & Veronica are aware of this and that it could happen
Veronica is dealing with all activity in the hotels etc
The Client needs to organise everything in regards to press conference etc It’ll need to be at our hotel or very near by!
They need to prepare a press release for our approval
We need to make sure this is as easy for BB/ Veronica as possible…… if it’s a nightmare, we will not be able to deliver and we’ll have to decline the opportunity
If this does happen. I would like this to become a larger year round deal….. but let’s try and get this over the line first
Thanks in advance