As we have observed many times before, the OT writers were not concerned to formulate general truths about God or humanity, but spoke primarily about their own times and people and the ways of God as they perceived them in Israel’s experience. Therefore, many of the biblical texts do not lend themselves simply or religious instruction for modern readers, and it is difficult to move directly from Isaiah 40 and Ezekiel 34 to our own situation. They are concerned, after all, with the conditions and prospects of Israel in the sixth century B.C. One of our responsibilities as interpreters of the Bible is to acknowledge the time-bound features of these texts and not try to force them to speak to us in ways they were not meant to do. Nevertheless, there are elements in them which can illuminate our understanding of God.
God is the savior in Isaiah 40 and Ezekiel 34. This is the understanding of God that dominates the story of Israel in the Pentateuch and the Psalms, and it reappears again and again in the prophets. Christians are often unaware of this, or disregard it. It is common for Christians to exalt the NT at the expense of the OT, by contrasting the NT message of salvation with “the OT message of judgment.” However, this is an inadequate interpretation of the Bible. There is judgment in both testaments, but both are founded in faith in God as creator and redeemer. The story of Israel is a story of salvation. The prophecy of salvation in Isaiah 40 and Ezekiel 34 is a renewal of God’s promise to Abraham (Genesis 12) and to Moses (Exodus 3), and it is the message that unites the OT, as well as the NT. The primary relevance of these two texts (and the others we have discussed) for modern readers lies in this understanding of God as creator and savior. The basic meaning of these texts was what they said to Judean exiles 2500 years ago about their situation, their prospects, and their faith. Their meaning for us is twofold. We can see the witness of faith in God as it worked in ancient Israel, and we can reaffirm that faith ourselves. The fruits of God’s word are always appropriate to the time in which it is spoken, and they may not be the same in every age. And yet, it is the same God whose word is spoken. Knowledge of the prophets’ faith in God, which found expression in their writings but which even more undergirded them, is the principal meaning of these texts for us.
As we have observed many times before, the OT writers were not concerned to formulate general truths about God or humanity, but spoke primarily about their own times and people and the ways of God as they perceived them in Israel’s experience. Therefore, many of the biblical texts do not lend themselves simply or religious instruction for modern readers, and it is difficult to move directly from Isaiah 40 and Ezekiel 34 to our own situation. They are concerned, after all, with the conditions and prospects of Israel in the sixth century B.C. One of our responsibilities as interpreters of the Bible is to acknowledge the time-bound features of these texts and not try to force them to speak to us in ways they were not meant to do. Nevertheless, there are elements in them which can illuminate our understanding of God.神是救主在以赛亚书 40 和以西结书 34。这是占主导地位的以色列在摩西五经和诗篇上所记,故事的神的理解,它又一次再现先知。基督徒往往意识不到这一点,或无视它。这是救赎的常见的基督徒来赞美牺牲 OT,NT 通过对比 NT 消息与"判断的 OT 消息"。然而,这是圣经 》 不足解释。在这两个旧约,判断,但都建基于对上帝作为造物主与救赎主的信仰。以色列的故事就是救赎的故事。在以赛亚书 40 和以西结书 34 救赎的预言是神的应许给亚伯拉罕 (创世记 12) 和 Moses (出埃及记 3),更新并团结 OT,NT 的消息。这两个文本 (和我们已经讨论的其他) 的主要关联为现代读者在于这种理解上帝是造物主和救主。这些文本的基本含义是什么他们说到犹太流亡者 2500 年前关于他们的情况,他们的前景和他们的信仰。他们对我们的意义是双重的。它工作在古代以色列,和我们可以重申相信我们自己,我们可以看到对上帝的信仰的见证。神的话语的水果都是适当时间说,和他们可能不相同在每个年龄段。然而,它是同一位神的说话。先知的对神,在他们的著作中发现表达但其中更博大他们,知识是信心的为我们这些文本的主要意义。