The present study was planned to examine the relationship of spirituality and mental health with death anxiety. The research sampleconsisted of 160 elderly people (87 males and 73 females), agevarying from 65 to 80 years, were selected using purposivesampling technique. All the participants were assessed individuallywith the Daily Spiritual Experience Scale, General HealthQuestionnaire 28 (GHQ–28), and Thakur Death Anxiety Scale.Results revealed that spiritual belief and good mental health wereassociated with low level of death anxiety. Further, the results ofhierarchical regression analysis showed that mental health andspirituality emerged as significant predictors accounting for 10.2per cent and 8.6 per cent of the variance respectively in deathanxiety among elderly participants. Present findings can be implicated in clinical settings especially during therapeutic interventionof elderly people who experienced a high level of death anxiety. It issuggested that mental health professionals may work towardpromoting spirituality for reducing the level of death anxiety.