The hospital where Paul spends his labor is quite pretty: spacious and的繁體中文翻譯

The hospital where Paul spends his

The hospital where Paul spends his labor is quite pretty: spacious and airy, full of windows and natural light. He hates it. He also hates being pregnant, John, and his hospital gown, in no particular order. In fact, he spends most of the first stage of labor in some state of irritability. The second stage...he doesn't really remember. Just bright lights and the doctor giving him commands and John -- John is always there -- and not much else. But it all turns into background noise anyway when the doctor puts his baby in his arms.His daughter.Robin.The first thing he can think to do is sing to her. John laughs and (lovingly) calls him a daft git, and for once Paul doesn't have a smart comeback. For one thing, John's right. For another...he's completely spellbound. Head over heels for this little 3 kg person who's barely even a person yet. Even the next day, when they're released to go home, he can't stop staring. Already she seems to fit into their lives like she's always been there...whatever the question may have been, she's the answer.
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結果 (繁體中文) 1: [復制]
The hospital where Paul spends his labor is quite pretty: spacious and airy, full of windows and natural light. He hates it. He also hates being pregnant, John, and his hospital gown, in no particular order. In fact, he spends most of the first stage of labor in some state of irritability. The second stage...he doesn't really remember. Just bright lights and the doctor giving him commands and John -- John is always there -- and not much else. But it all turns into background noise anyway when the doctor puts his baby in his arms.<br><br>His daughter.<br><br>Robin.<br><br>他認為做的第一件事情就是唱歌給她聽。約翰笑著(親切)稱他為愚蠢的Git,和一旦保羅沒有一個聰明的復出。一方面,約翰的權利。對於另一個......他完全迷住了。情海這個小3千克人誰是勉強甚至一個人呢。即便到了第二天,當他們釋放回家,他不能停止我的凝視。她已經似乎屬於他們的生活就像她一直在那裡......什麼的問題可能是,她的答案。
結果 (繁體中文) 2:[復制]
保羅分娩的醫院非常漂亮:寬敞通風,窗戶和自然光線。他討厭它他也討厭懷孕,約翰和他的醫院禮服,沒有特別的順序。事實上,他在第一階段的勞動中大部分時間都處於一種易怒的狀態。第二階段...他不記得了只是明亮的燈光和醫生給他命令和約翰 - 約翰總是在那裡 - 並沒有太多其他。但是,當醫生把孩子抱在懷裡時,這一切還是變成了背景雜音。<br><br>他女兒<br><br>羅賓。<br><br>他想到的第一件事就是唱給她聽。約翰笑了笑,(親切地)稱他為愚蠢的小子,保羅一度沒有聰明的複出。首先,約翰是對的。另一個...他完全被迷住了頭高跟鞋這個3公斤的小人誰幾乎甚至一個人尚未。甚至第二天,當他們被釋放回家,他不能停止盯著。她似乎已經適應了他們的生活,就像她一直在那裡...不管問題是什麼,她都是答案。 ...
結果 (繁體中文) 3:[復制]
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