All of these are fake, never trust them. Those "encrypted files" have instructions that will either trick you into downloading malware or you can actually decrypt afterwards but the content is the usual fully-zeroed shit or completely different stuff (the first one is more common though).
That technique is still widely used for all kinds of files, along with endless archives and serious jailbait at the end of the line.
(I didn't bother clicking the link - also that copypasted text is a mix of Chinese and corrupt Japanese, but it's legible enough to confirm it's the usual trolling.)
Do as >>4028 said, just be patient and don't blow up your rig just because you didn't want to wait and ended up getting tricked. If you want to (and are able to) help, it may still be available on official online shopping sites, though it'll eventually end up being auctioned at a ridiculously high price (and the artists won't get anything from that).