Hi Ming. Thank you for your letter. I like to read your letters. Especially when you tell me that you like and about your life.
Today I long thought to write to you today in my letter. I write you letters with feeling, sincerity, emotion.
I write you letters from my heart. Ming, I want to say that your letters bring me joy.
My name really Ekaterina. This is not a group. And a Russian name.
It is sometimes sad and melancholy without your letters, but after reading your letter, I understand that there are people who thinks about me.
Do you have a good sense of humor, and you are very good in their letters. I am very pleased to conduct with you conversation.
I think of you often. If I had a PC at home, I could write you letters in the morning and evening.
But now that I have, it turns out, to write letters only once a day. I will try to write you more.
Ming, I hope that my words and thoughts do not become boring for you. This is much more than just words.
These are my thoughts and feelings that I have for you. At the moment we are connected only friendship.
You didn't think that we can communicate something more than friendship? Yes, I think about the relationship.
You're an attractive man, you're kind, sincere. I like you as a man. I had such thoughts since the beginning of our correspondence.
But I couldn't say it right. We were not familiar at that time. Today I long thought what to write in my letter.
I had a lot of thoughts about you. Ming, You can close your eyes, and present us with you? This is a dream.
If at least a little to believe in dreams, they can become a reality. So I told my mom.
Ming, tell me what you think about this? What do you dream?
I have not good news. Today, the shop where I work, a visitor came for shopping. Accidentally caught the edge of the aquarium and dropped the aquarium on the floor.
The aquarium had shattered into pieces. The visitor wanted to escape, but the guard stopped him. He didn't want to pay for a damaged tank. He has long fought.
I had to call the police to deal with it. The police took action, and he paid for the aquarium. Okay, that fish I caught, and released in another aquarium.
Okay, what the protection is there in the store where I work. If were not for this protection, he ran away and I had to pay for the aquarium, out of my pocket.
I don't understand these people. If you were to blame, take responsibility for your actions. And he wanted to run. But, all's well that solved the issues.
I had to remove the glass and clean water. I had to close the store for 1 hour to remove. Don't worry, all the questions decided.
I hope you will not run away from difficulties, and you will always be responsible for your actions.
I believe that you will solve all questions like a man, and will not run away from difficulties.
Each person must answer for their deeds and actions that he makes. Do you agree with me? Ming, I think of you.
On this I finish my letter. Have a good day.
Your Ekaterina.
Ps. Today, I can not send my photos. But, in the next letter I send you photos.