Growing Up WildYo Madison!Are you ready to get down and get wet?We’re going under the sea to meet some fun-loving animalsWho really know how to make a splash—Dolphins, whales and their babies.So hit your video zapper and let’s take the plunge.We’ll go to the ice-cold Arctic to find humpback whales//Who are the long distance swimming champs.Strange Narwhals that have swords for noses.And make way for the biggest animal in the world – the Blue whale.If you’re near a beach, a whale or dolphin might be living right next door.So get ready to spot some killer, killer whales.Chatty Bottle nosed dolphins who really know to get around.And the sleekest speed demons of all, The common dolphins of the Mediterranean.Then we’ll journey to some of the world’s great rivers.Try South East Asia for one high jumping dolphin.In the Amazon, visit the Botto who’s in the pink.Or may be the north,To see a ghostly Beluga whale.