Although customization benefits a company, a company can still overdo customization. Thebenefit to the company no longer exists in such a case, namely when: Customers dislike the customization. This becomes a feasible possibility when theprocess for a customized product or service proves confusing or tedious. It woulddepend on the product, service, and target demographic, but there could be too manyavailable options, for instance. Alternatively, the costs to the company might exceed the revenue such customizationgenerated. Patrons may be unwilling to pay the increased costs associated with a morecustomized product or service. What's more, customers may also require education todevelop a bespoke product with which they would be satisfied, and this would incurfurther costs.Of course, a demographic interested and willing to pay a premium will exist. There is aprestige factor, especially with luxury goods and services, or for one-time purchases.