Hello. Yes it's been a very long time! I have received your email four times. It's very nice of you to send it again today. My dog is still running around with energy and it's summer now, the warm season here. How is your summer? A month has already passed by since I have last emailed you. You must be busy doing something fun in your life anyway, where ever you are now these days. I'm quite curious about you too and wonder if we might see each other in our lives.
It seems I was right that you are a very cool girl, different from your mother. Your mother seems nice though. I am a traditional person too but I also know I need to put more effort to find a suitable girl. Actually I have some bad news about myself though, and that is my health is not very good now. I've wanted to email you sooner during these days but I haven't been able to mention anything which was nice. My health has gotten worse during the past 2 weeks.
Then, I have lost 7 kg of weight rapidly and I am unable to absorb my food. I am lightheaded, losing energy, and so on. I have a fast metabolism so it's causing me to wither fast because my body is metabolizing itself in search of nutrients. So, I've gone through a difficult process of monitoring my food and trying to find something I might be able to absorb. I bought a juicing machine to make celery juice and carrot juice. I will show you a photo of the celery juice.
Since I started drinking the juice, I was able to stop losing weight so I'm still alive. I cook specific meals also to try to heal whatever is wrong with me. I bought chicken, eggs, vegetables, and sauerkraut. Oh and, dandelions are ok sometimes but too many is not good either haha. Here now there is so much dandelion fuzz that it will stick to my shoes when walking in the grass. I have some flowers in bloom now too and I bought a new hat to block the sun.
Last month I was glad to have shared things with you and get to know you. You are the girl who I won't forget. Although the things we shared were not amazing or extravagant, the sense of knowing you were there certainly made me feel happier. Right now, I felt nice that you seem to have some feeling of wanting to know me more. It's not rude, it's very impressive actually. Thank you for your nice writing. Personally, I think about you often!
Hello. Yes it's been a very long time! I have received your email four times. It's very nice of you to send it again today. My dog is still running around with energy and it's summer now, the warm season here. How is your summer? A month has already passed by since I have last emailed you. You must be busy doing something fun in your life anyway, where ever you are now these days. I'm quite curious about you too and wonder if we might see each other in our lives.It seems I was right that you are a very cool girl, different from your mother. Your mother seems nice though. I am a traditional person too but I also know I need to put more effort to find a suitable girl. Actually I have some bad news about myself though, and that is my health is not very good now. I've wanted to email you sooner during these days but I haven't been able to mention anything which was nice. My health has gotten worse during the past 2 weeks.Then, I have lost 7 kg of weight rapidly and I am unable to absorb my food. I am lightheaded, losing energy, and so on. I have a fast metabolism so it's causing me to wither fast because my body is metabolizing itself in search of nutrients. So, I've gone through a difficult process of monitoring my food and trying to find something I might be able to absorb. I bought a juicing machine to make celery juice and carrot juice. I will show you a photo of the celery juice. 自從喝果汁,得以停止減肥,所以我還活著。我具體做飯也試圖撫平無論是我做錯了。我買了雞肉、 雞蛋、 蔬菜和酸菜。哦,蒲公英有時是好,但太多是不好要麼哈哈。這裡現在還有這麼多蒲公英的絨毛在草叢中行走時,它將堅持我的鞋子。我有一些花盛開現在太,我買了一頂新帽子,以遮擋陽光。上個月我很高興與你分享的東西,去瞭解你。你是我不會忘記的女孩。雖然我們共用的東西並不令人驚奇或奢侈,知道你的感覺那裡當然讓我感到快樂。現在,我覺得不錯,你似乎有一些想要知道我更多的感覺。它不是粗魯,它實際上是非常令人印象深刻。謝謝你不錯的寫作。就個人而言,我經常想著你 !