E. Creating the Main Area
1. In the Document toolbar, click the Split
button to view both the design and the
code view.
2. In the code view, click between the ending tag of the
header div and the ending tag of the wrapper div. Press
Return to create a new blank line.
3. Go to Insert → Layout Objects → Div tag.
4. In the Insert Div Tag dialog box, click New CSS Rule.
5. In the New CSS Rule dialog box, select the following options:
Selector type: ID
Selector name: #main
Rule Definition : styles.css
6. Click OK.
7. In the CSS Rule Definition dialog box, select the following Box
category options:
Width: 100%
Padding; 0
Margin: 0
8. Click OK.
9. In the Insert Div Tag dialog box, make sure the ID field displays main, then click OK.
F. Creating the Navigation Area
1. Select the placeholder text for the id “main” and delete it.
2. Go to Insert → Layout Objects → Div tag.
3. In the Insert Div Tag dialog box, click New CSS Rule.
4. In the New CSS Rule dialog box, select the following options:
Selector type: ID
Selector name: #nav
Rule Definition : styles.css
5. Click OK.
Dreamweaver CS5 – Module 1: Website Devel
E. Creating the Main Area1. In the Document toolbar, click the Splitbutton to view both the design and thecode view.2. In the code view, click between the ending tag of theheader div and the ending tag of the wrapper div. PressReturn to create a new blank line.3. Go to Insert → Layout Objects → Div tag.4. In the Insert Div Tag dialog box, click New CSS Rule.5. In the New CSS Rule dialog box, select the following options: Selector type: ID Selector name: #main Rule Definition : styles.css6. Click OK.7. In the CSS Rule Definition dialog box, select the following Boxcategory options: Width: 100% Padding; 0 Margin: 08. Click OK.9. In the Insert Div Tag dialog box, make sure the ID field displays main, then click OK.F. Creating the Navigation Area1. Select the placeholder text for the id “main” and delete it.2. Go to Insert → Layout Objects → Div tag.3. In the Insert Div Tag dialog box, click New CSS Rule.4. In the New CSS Rule dialog box, select the following options: Selector type: ID Selector name: #nav Rule Definition : styles.css5. Click OK.Dreamweaver CS5 – Module 1: Website Devel