and individuals living in the project area after the houses are completely built;
- Area for building the social infrastructure system (kindergartens, schools, health care and service establishments, sport and entertainment facilities, parks), unless the project area already has such social infrastructure works;
- Land area reserved for building social houses (if any);
- Numbers and ratios of houses of different kinds (villas, detached houses and condominium apartments), total floor area of houses; plan on product sale (number of houses for sale, lease or lease-purchase);
- Proposed mechanisms applicable to the project (land use, finance and others);
- The project implementation duration and schedule (schedule for each phase) and project management mode;
- Total investment capital, capital sources, forms of capital raising, capital recoverability;
- The State's responsibility for building technical infrastructure works outside the project's fence or running through the project area;
- Works to be transferred without indemnification;
- Plans on management and operation of the project and public-utility works within the project (models of organization, modes of operation management and service charges).
b/ Basic designs of the project:
- Explanations of basic designs: Brief description of the project location; the technical infrastructure system of the project and its connection to the region's common technical infrastructure system; environmental protection plan; fire prevention and fighting plan; architectural plans of works of the first-phase component project;
- Basic design drawings: The project's general site plan, sectional drawings, site drawings and solutions to main force-bearing structures of works of the first-phase component project; drawings of the project's technical infrastructure system connected to the region's common technical infrastructure.
2. An independent housing development project dossier must contain:
a/ The project explanations, which include the contents specified at Point a, Clause 1 of this Article, except the request for the State's investment in building technical infrastructure works outside the fence or running through
和個人生活在後的項目地區的房屋是完全 建立;
- 地區的社會建設基礎設施系統(幼稚園、學校、保健和服務機構,體育和娛樂設施、公園),除非項目地區已經有這種社會基礎設施 工程;
- 保留土地面積為建設社會住房(如有 任何);
-人數和比例的房屋的不同種類(別墅、獨立的房屋和公寓公寓)總樓面面積的住房;計劃對產品銷售(電話號碼的房屋出售、出租或租賃- 購買);
- 擬議機制適用於該項目(土地使用、資助和 其他);
- 的項目的執行期限和附表(附表的每一階段)和項目管理 模式;
-項目總投資資本,資本來源、各種形式的資本,資本 收回;
- 提高的國家有責任建立技術基礎設施工程的項目以外的柵欄或運行通過項目 地區;
- 工程,將不 轉讓;
賠償-計劃的管理和運作的項目和公用事業內工程的項目(模式的組織、運作方式管理和服務 費).
b /基本設計的項目的基本 設計:
- 解釋:簡短的說明的項目地點;的技術基礎設施系統的項目及其連接到該區域的共同技術基礎設施系統;環境保護計劃;消防計劃;建筑計劃的工程的第一階段的項目 組成部分;
- 基本設計繪圖:項目的一般網計劃,截面圖,網站繪圖和解決方案的主要力量-軸承的結構工程的第一階段的項目組成部分的項目;繪圖的技術基礎設施系統連接到該區域的共同技術基礎 設施.
2 。 一個獨立房屋發展項目檔案必須 包含: