Step 1: hgh-level revew of the talent ppelne by the ceo and hs drect reports (yearly). Step 2: revew of each busness functon and strategc area focusng on what new capabltes wll be needed to delver ths strategy and any new corporate-crtcal roles that wll be needed. Step 3: revew of top 00 leaders usng the “nne-Box” performance/ potental grd (see Fgure ). Step 4: Development and dscusson of successon plans for hgh- and medum-rsk corporate- crtcal roles that exst now and are antcpated n the future. Step 5: Developmental plannng for ths populaton. Features of the Dow succession management process: * Dow phlosophy: replacement plans and successor lsts are useful tools, but the real value of these processes s to focus the organzaton on developng ts employees to better prepare them for other jobs at Dow.
* Dow reaches deep nto ts ppelne from entry-level professonals to the drector level.
* Approxmately 5 percent of the professonal/manageral employee populaton s dentfied as corporate hgh-potentals and targeted for accelerated development at the herbert henry Dow Academy (followed by five- month acton-learnng projects), external executve educaton courses or a custom mBA course.