1. Execute TeslaDecoder.exe (You need to exetute it as Administrator if you want to access all folders)
2. This tool will check presence of Tesla's data files and registry entries (old versions of TeslaCrypt)
3a. You can specify location of data file by clicking on "Load data file" button
3b. You can obtain decryption/private key from captured encrypted Tesla's request sent to server by clicking on "Decode request"
3c. you can set your custom decryption key by clicking on Set key button
4. If decryption key was found you can choose what to decrypt (folder/all) and then choose if you want to delete original encrypted files
4a. Decrypt Folder - Pick a folder and try to decrypt encrypted files inside (I recommend to use this option to test decryption)
4b. Decrypt All - Search encrypted files on all FIXED and ROMOTE drives and try to decrypt files
5. See log for more inforamtion (path to log file will be shown in dialog)