He'll ask her sometimes: why don't you get a hobby, or a boyfriend. Cl的中文翻譯

He'll ask her sometimes: why don't

He'll ask her sometimes: why don't you get a hobby, or a boyfriend. Clara almost laughs at him because she remembers all the times she would go out and then the Doctor would appear. He'd vworp-vworp into her yard, or the street, and she'd grab her things, maybe put money on the table if he was outside a restaurant, and leave. She'd toss her hair over her shoulder as she ran, saying thanks very much but I've really got to go.

So it's not like she hasn't tried.

She's got human habits he doesn't understand. Once, when they were in London, she ran into a shop to buy lotion. She rubbed it over her hands in even, rhythmic motions: up past her wrist to her fingertips and back again. He asks her why and she says that the smell reminds her of home. He doesn't know what "home" is - he's never really had one. He's had nothing but this box and the drifting universe for years longer than she's even been alive. Distant memories of Gallifrey will flicker over him sometimes, memories that make it hard for him to move forward. He'll be programming the TARDIS, or fighting aliens with Clara, and then they'll hit him: bright, bright orange light and waves of dust, rocks, chaos. Like he's living in two places at once.

It's Clara's human presence that grounds him. She's so tiny and fragile and a bit strange: she's got endless pairs of stockings, and wears those ridiculous shoes. Oxfords, she called them. They've got a bit of a heel. He always wonders if she can run in them, and she always surprises him.

He gives her a room on the TARDIS. When she asks him why, he shrugs. "Just because I don't necessarily sleep much doesn't mean that you don't need to." Clara finds herself sleeping there more than at home. It's easier, she tells herself. Easier than another night spent coiled, waiting, bags ready just in case. When she is home, she's tense. She snaps at her students and fumbles through dates. Her mind is always halfway through the universe, wondering what adventures she's missing.

It's not just the adventures, though. The Doctor is a presence that intrigues her. She daydreams about what's going on in his head. He's quiet, serious, withdrawn: like one of her favorite novels that's just begging to be opened and explored.

The daydreams go darker, more interesting, at night. Clara finds herself wondering what it would be like with him. It's not that human boys don't have interest for her; of course they do. Clara just tells herself that they're complicated, they're different, they're far away. Really, it's that she's getting a bit tired of all the running. The pretending. It's like she's living in two places at once.

One night, she imagines that the Doctor kisses her. It's silly and stupid but she feels her whole body buzzing. When his head moves lower, she wakes, gasping.

For days after that, she can't even look at him. He doesn't seem to notice a difference; he just teases her and insults her hair as usual.

The awkwardness thaws out, though, and she loosens up enough once he teaches her to program the TARDIS. She learns that it's as much of a mental connection as it is the physical process of beeps and levers. "It's about trust," he explains, and that's when she realizes that it's the same kind of relationship she has with him. It's a closeness she hasn't felt with anyone in a long time. It makes Clara feel a distant ache for what could have been. What that looks like, she can't even define herself.

She stands there, at the console, feeling a little sad and out of it. In the haze, she must've pressed something wrong because the Doctor is now behind her going "tsk, tsk," and then he leans past her shoulder and, hand over hers, slots the tab into place. "Like this," he says, patient for once.

Clara turns around and faces him. "Teach me," she says, like it's some kind of dare.

Really, though, they end up teaching each other. She guides his hand up between her legs and over her underwear where she's already so wet that she's half-embarrassed.
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結果 (中文) 1: [復制]
他有时会问她: 你为什么不买一个业余爱好或一个男朋友。克莱拉几乎嘲笑他因为她记得所有的时代,她就出去了,然后医生会出现。他到她家院子里或大街上,vworp vworp,她就会拿她的东西,也许把钱放到桌子上,如果他的饭店外,然后离开。她跑了,说: 非常感谢,但真得去,她会把她的头发扔越过她的肩膀。所以它是不喜欢她还没试过。她有人类的习惯,他听不懂。一次,他们在伦敦时,她会跑进一家商店买洗剂。她搓一下她的手在均匀、 有节奏的动作: 起来过去她到她的指尖来回的手腕。他问她为什么要和她说气味,让她想起家。他不知道"家"是什么 — — 他从来没有真正有一个。他有什么,但此框和漂流宇宙年长于她甚至一直活着。遥远的记忆,带的有时会闪烁在他身上,回忆,让他到硬向前迈进。他会编程 TARDIS,或与克拉拉,与外星人战斗,然后他们要揍他: 光鲜、 亮丽的橙色光和波浪的尘埃、 岩石、 混乱。像他一次住在两个地方。它是克拉拉的人类存在的理由,他。她的渺小和脆弱和有点奇怪: 她得到了无数双长袜,和穿那些滑稽可笑的鞋。牛津,她这样称呼它们。他们有点儿脚跟。他总是想知道是否她可以运行在他们,并且她总是使他感到吃惊。他给了她一个房间的 tardis。当她问他为什么时,他耸了耸肩。"只是因为我不是一定睡眠多并不意味着你不需要到"。克拉拉发现自己那里更多在家里睡觉。它是容易的她告诉自己。比另一个的夜晚更容易的盘绕,等待,袋准备以防万一。当她是回家了,她是紧张。她拍着她的学生和摸索通过日期。她的心灵就总是中途宇宙,不知道什么冒险,她失踪。它不是只是探险者,虽然。医生是激起她的存在。她幻想能在他的脑海里想的什么。他是安静、 严肃,撤回: 喜欢只乞讨打开和探索她最喜爱的小说之一。白日梦去暗,更有趣的,在晚上。克拉拉发现自己想知道它会什么样子跟他。它不是人类的男生没有兴趣为她;他们当然会。克莱拉只是告诉自己,它们复杂,它们的不同,他们很远的地方。真的,它是,她有点累了的所有运行。假装。就像她生活在两个地方一次。一天晚上,她想象医生吻了她。它是愚蠢,但她觉得她的整个身体,嗡嗡作响。当他的头更低,移动她醒来,喘着粗气。那之后的天,她甚至不能看他。他似乎并不注意的差异;他只是逗她,像往常一样侮辱她的头发。尴尬解冻,不过,和她松开够多了,一旦他教她进行编程 TARDIS。她明白,就是尽可能多的精神连接原样的蜂鸣声和杠杆的物理过程。"它是关于信任,"他解释道,和那是当她意识到这是同样的她与他之间的关系。这是她从未与任何人在很长时间的亲密关系。它使得克拉拉觉得遥远渴望能有哪些。那是什么样子,她甚至不能定义自己。她站在那里,在控制台中,感觉有点悲哀进出。在阴霾,她必须按下错事因为医生是现在背后她去"tsk,啧啧,"然后他靠过去她的肩膀和手超过她,插槽选项卡入到位。"像这样,"他说,这一次的病人。克拉拉转过身来面对他。"教我,"她说,像是某种不敢。真的,不过,他们最终教学彼此。她引导他的手了她两腿之间和在她的内衣在哪里她已经又湿,她是半尴尬。
結果 (中文) 3:[復制]
他有时会问她:为什么你不找一个爱好,或是一个男朋友。克拉拉几乎笑他,因为她记得所有的时间,她会去,然后医生会出现。他vworp vworp进她的院子,或街上,她会把她的东西,也许把桌上的钱如果他在一个餐馆,然后离开。她跑了过来,把她的头发甩在了肩膀上,说非常感谢,但我真的要走了。所以这不像她没有尝试。她有一个人的习惯,他不明白。有一次,当他们在伦敦的时候,她跑进一家商店买乳液。她甚至用手揉了揉,有节奏的动作:从她的手腕上,然后又回到她的指尖。他问她为什么,她说,气味使她想起家。他不知道什么是“家”-他从来没有真正有过。他什么也没有,但这个盒子和漂流的宇宙多年的时间比她甚至还活着。遥远的记忆会闪烁在Gallifrey他有时让他难以前进的回忆。他会编程的TARDIS,或者战斗的外星人克拉拉,然后他们会打他:明亮,灰尘,岩亮橙色的光和波,混沌。就像他现在住在两地的。这是克拉拉的人的存在,让他。她是那么的渺小和脆弱,有点奇怪:她有着无尽的袜子,穿着那些可笑的鞋子。牛津,她叫他们。他们有一点的脚跟。他总是怀疑她是否能在他们身上奔跑,她总是让他感到惊讶。他给了她在TARDIS的房间。当她问他为什么,他耸耸肩。“只是因为我不想睡觉,这并不意味着你不需要。”克拉拉发现自己比在家里睡得更多。她告诉自己,这很容易。比另一个晚上容易花了一卷,等待,袋准备好的情况下。当她在家时,她很紧张。她猛地咬住她的学生和摸索通过日期。她的心总是穿越宇宙,想知道她失去了什么样的冒险。这不只是冒险,虽然。医生是一个吸引她的存在。她梦想着他的脑袋里到底在想什么。他安静、严肃、孤僻,就像她最喜欢的一部小说,那是一个刚刚开始探索的小说。白日梦更黑暗,更有趣的是,在晚上。克拉拉发现自己在想他会是什么样的。这并不是说人类男孩对她没有兴趣,当然他们也没有。克拉拉只是告诉自己,他们是复杂的,他们是不同的,他们远远地。真的,这是她有点累了所有的运行。假装。这就像她住在两地的一次。一天晚上,她想象医生吻她。这是愚蠢的,愚蠢的,但她觉得她的整个身体嗡嗡作响。当他的头移动下,她醒了,喘着粗气。在那之后的几天里,她甚至不能看他。他似乎没有注意到什么不同;他只是戏弄她,侮辱她的头发像往常一样。尴尬的气氛开始解冻,虽然,她松开了足够他曾经教她程序TARDIS。她知道,这是因为它是哔哔声和杠杆的物理过程作为一个精神连接。”“这是关于信任的,”他解释说,这是当她意识到,这是同一种关系,她与他。这是一个亲密的关系,她没有感到与任何人在很长一段时间。这让克拉拉感觉到了一个遥远的痛苦,因为这可能是什么。看起来,她甚至无法定义自己。她站在那里,在控制台,感觉有点悲伤,从它。在薄雾中,她肯定的东西压错了因为现在医生在她身后去“啧,啧,”然后他靠过去,她的肩膀,她的手上,槽的标签到位。”“他说,”他说,病人一次。克拉拉转过身来,面对着他。”告诉我,“她说,像是某种挑战。然而,他们最终会互相教导。她把他的手放在她的腿和她的内衣,她已经这么湿,她有一半尴尬。
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