John Davis
The Corporate Action Hero
Looking forward to your book. The Title alone resonates with my current mindset.
LikeUnlike(0)12 hours agoShow MoreFlag and HideKeith Akre, CFA
Portfolio Manager at Midland States Bank
I truly like the message here; that saying no can be ok, and in fact, sometimes necessary. However, I would posit that my career has been overwhelmingly benefitted by saying "yes!". Even when that tiny voice in the back of my head might have been telling me that it wasn't a good idea. I have certainly, on more than one occasion, bit off way more than I could chew, but far from hindering me, I found that it stretched my limits where now I can "chew" much more than I previously thought possible; found strengths where I previously did not think to look. Saying "no" can be a valuable skill; but a skill that should be exercised only sparingly.
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