Social media in the context of B2C is widely researched, with itsdeveloped concepts and constructs, becoming an integral part of consumers' modern lives (Lamberton & Stephen, 2016; Siamagka et al.,2015). This increase in popularity has been exploited in a number ofways in B2C, and often forms a large part of a company's marketingstrategy (Ngai, Tao, & Moon, 2015). Companies are able to communicate with consumers at a much lower cost than ever before throughsocial media (Hainla, 2017; Neti, 2011), generating content onlinequickly and cheaply to develop brand presence (Ashley & Tuten, 2015).However, the extent to which this theory is applicable to other businessmodel domains such as B2B, Mixed B2C/B2B and B2B2C domains isrelatively under-researched (Moore et al., 2013; Swani et al., 2017).Little to nothing is known about Mixed and B2B2C business modelorganizations, and although the B2B domain is growing, it is still in itstheoretical infancy (Salo, 2017). The following sub-sections thereforeexplore the current literature regarding SMM in B2B domains, centredaround four key areas: (1) business models; (2) marketing channel mix;(3) customer orientated social media usage; and (4) perceived SMMeffectiveness. Each section provides an overview of the relevant literature, identifying the pertinent gaps and highlighting the researchquestions we seek to answer in this paper.