7th-grader New Peninsula Spelling Champ
April 16, 1989|By MATHEW PAUST Staff Writer
The Peninsula has a new spelling champion, Pei-Yun Jenny Wu, 12, a 7th-grader at Poquoson Middle School.
After more than three grueling hours Saturday, she sealed her victory by correctly spelling "agrogorod," which means a group of collective farms in the Soviet Union.
The bee, sponsored by the Daily Press and The Times-Herald at Hines Middle School in Newport News, had dwindled from 41 entrants to two.
Jenny and Lindsay Tupper, 13, a Tabb Intermediate School 8th-grader, battled for 14 rounds before Lindsay flubbed the word "holcodont," which means having teeth set in a long, continuous groove.
Jenny spelled the word correctly before she was given the one that clinched her title.
Caroline Laise, 13, an 8th-grader at Gloucester Intermediate School, who was Peninsula champ in 1987 and 1988, bombed out this year in the 27th round when she missed the word "paralogize," which means to reason falsely.
Jenny will move on to the National Spelling Bee, May 29 through June 3, in Washington D.C.
A modest winner, she said she surprised herself with her performance.
"I had no idea I would do that well," she said.
Not that she didn't work for it.
She averaged 45 minutes to an hour of practice after school on weekdays and up to a total of three hours on weekends.
Practice started in February when she began practicing for the Poquoson Middle School bee.
She practices mostly with her mother, who writes articles in Chinese for a newspaper in her native Taiwan, and sometimes with her dad, a scientist who is studying the Earth's atmospheric ozone layer.
Jenny moved to this country from Taiwan with her family when she was seven.
She has one brother, Tung-Jim.
Her grades are mostly A's, and her favorite subjects include language and arts as well as math and science.
Her goal is to teach.
She was in 4th-grade when she entered and won her first spelling bee, a citywide contest for 3rd- and 4th-graders in Baton Rouge, La.
Since then she's won some and lost some.
In last year's Peninsula bee she finished 9th or 11th, "I'm not sure which."
She employs no special tricks to gain an edge on her opponents, nor possesses any special gift, such as a photographic memory, she said.
On second thought, "I sort of see the word as soon as it's said."
A clue to Jenny's success with spelling can be glimpsed in the way she practices.
"If I have trouble with a word, I ask them to let me see it, then I say it a few times and then I usually remember it," she said, explaining that the words she can't pronounce are the ones she has trouble spelling.
In a bee, her psychology is more inner directed.
"If I have some doubts, I take a deep breath and spell."
And win.
七年級新半島拼寫冠軍4 月 16 日 1989|由馬修者引起工作人員的作家半島有新的拼寫冠軍,裴雲吳采薇,12,在波闊森中學 7 年級學生。後超過三個艱苦小時星期六,她為她的勝利蓋章正確拼寫"agrogorod,"這意味著一群蘇聯集體農莊。蜜蜂,每日新聞和時代先驅報在紐波特,海恩斯中學主辦銳減 41 進入到兩個。詹妮和琳賽百樂,13,Tabb 中級學校 8 年級的學生,爭奪 14 輪之前琳賽答錯詞"holcodont",這意味著,在一個很長的連續的槽中設置的牙齒。珍妮在正確拼寫單詞之前她給出了那個她的冠軍。13,卡洛琳 Laise 8 年級在告士打道中級學校,是半島冠軍在 1987年和 1988 年,今年在 27 回合時她錯過了單詞"paralogize",這意味著以虛假理由進行轟炸。詹妮將繼續前進到全國拼字比賽,5 月 29 日至 6 月 3 日,在華盛頓特區一個謙虛的贏家,她說她驚訝自己與她的表演。"我根本不知道我會做那好吧,"她說。不是說她沒有為它工作。她的周日和週末的三個小時總共放學後平均 45 分鐘到一個小時的實踐。2 月時她開始練習為波闊森中學蜜蜂開始實踐。She practices mostly with her mother, who writes articles in Chinese for a newspaper in her native Taiwan, and sometimes with her dad, a scientist who is studying the Earth's atmospheric ozone layer.Jenny moved to this country from Taiwan with her family when she was seven.She has one brother, Tung-Jim.Her grades are mostly A's, and her favorite subjects include language and arts as well as math and science.Her goal is to teach.She was in 4th-grade when she entered and won her first spelling bee, a citywide contest for 3rd- and 4th-graders in Baton Rouge, La.Since then she's won some and lost some.In last year's Peninsula bee she finished 9th or 11th, "I'm not sure which."She employs no special tricks to gain an edge on her opponents, nor possesses any special gift, such as a photographic memory, she said.On second thought, "I sort of see the word as soon as it's said."A clue to Jenny's success with spelling can be glimpsed in the way she practices."If I have trouble with a word, I ask them to let me see it, then I say it a few times and then I usually remember it," she said, explaining that the words she can't pronounce are the ones she has trouble spelling.In a bee, her psychology is more inner directed."If I have some doubts, I take a deep breath and spell."And win.