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My Commitment With You........
Kenneth Diggs 发给wsxwsxwd2016年06月22日 06:02 (星期三)详情Hello ( Sweet ), how are you??, i am glad to hear from you and i enjoyed reading your letter,Babe i know we have many miles separating us but i know we will make it through someday soon, i have never seen you, but i know that you are perfect for me, we are perfect for each other, in every way, Babe do you know what true relationship commitment mean??, if yes, that's good of you, well a commitment in a relationship to me simply means a promise made between two people to be together forever and be devoted to love each other, be loyal to each other, being totally devoted to each other, a promise to be loyal and truthful to each other in the relationship, a commitment a devotion a dedication to something strong that becomes a part of someones life, a part of someones soul, body and mind, a commitment of a heart to stay true to a heart, a bond of togetherness, looking at what i have written so far someone would think that a commitment is something easy to do but the truth is that commitment is far more stronger that anything except the power of love because i would say that commitment and love are equals when it comes to the true human feelings, i would say a commitment would be the end chemistry of Love, a commitment is like embarking on a quest of a journey to the deep corners of the earth searching for something you believe in so much that no obstacle can stop you from doing so, a commitment when you fully in love to someone you love and with no mind of doubts fully with trust and open minded, understanding, considerate, caring to each other to always be with the one you love forever through hard and tough times, in sickness and in health, the question now is are you ready for this commitment??, i have to stop for now, Take care and God bless you, hope to hear from you soon. Yours Truly, Kenneth --------- wsxwsxwd@ returns moreCommitment With You My...Kenneth Diggs to wsxwsxwd2016 years and 06 month 22 days (Wednesday) 06:02 Hello (Sweet, how) for are you, I am glad?? to hear from you and I enjoyed reading your letter, Babe I know we have many miles separating us but I know we will make it through someday soon, I have never seen you, but I know that you are perfect for me, we are perfect for each other, in every way, Babe do you know what true relationship commitment mean, if yes, that"s?? good of you, well a commitment in a relationship to me simply means a promise made between two people to be together forever and be devoted to love each other, be loyal to each other, being totally devoted to each other, a promise to be loyal and truthful to each other in the relationship, a commitment a D Evotion a dedication to something strong that becomes a part of someones life, a part of someones soul, body and mind, a commitment of a heart to stay true to a heart a bond, of togetherness, looking at what I have written so far someone would think that a commitment is something easy to do but the truth is that commitment is far more stronger that anything except the power of love because I would say that commitment and love are equals when it comes to the true human feelings, I would say a commitment would be the end chemistry of Love, a commitment is like embarking on a quest of a journey to the deep corners of the earth searching for something you believe in so much that no obstacle can stop you from doing so, a commitment when you ful Ly in love to someone you love and with no mind of doubts fully with trust and open minded, understanding, considerate, caring to each other to always be with the one you love forever through hard and tough times, in sickness and in health, the question now is are you ready for this commitment??, I have to stop for now, take care and God bless you, hope to hear from you soon. Yours truly, Kenneth ---------