Attached you will find an agenda for the meeting next week in Lahnau. A few of you asked about the scope of the meeting and what is expected of you, so please refer to the following:
1. PowerPoint presentations will not be made. There may be a few slides that will be shown, but NO long, drawn out presentations. This is to be a face to face discussion and PowerPoint wastes too much time.
2. For the present sales and marketing discussion, we will go over the sales numbers in general to date as well as marketing activities. I expect each of you to be prepared to discuss how our present sales structure and efforts could be improved generally (specifics for regions will be discussed individually). We need to be much more aggressive in our approach and this will be the focus.
3. When we break to the individual discussions, we will look at the sales numbers in the regions you are assigned and evaluate our efforts there. This will be the opportunity to get more specific with sales and marketing initiatives that you feel would be most appropriate.
Meetings will not run the way they have in the past. The times will be adhered to, so I ask that you keep questions and answers brief and on point. Another important aspect, do not state a problem without being prepared to offer a solution. Be creative and think outside the box. Our global sales numbers are below target in 2016 and, together, we will change this in 2017.