The Story of the Coconut Tree
A Traditional Malaysian Folktale
Retold by Nurhayani Abu Bakar from Malaysia
This is the story of a beautiful moon princess, but it is also a story about bamboo, a plant which was once believed to be sacred.
A tall coconut tree
Image: Wikipedia
He opened the box and at once he turned into a tall tree—a coconut tree.
There was once an old man. He was very, very old. Some people said he was a thousand years old! He was also very wise and he knew many things. Many people came to visit him in his cave near the sea. They always asked him to help them.
One day, a young man came to see this wise old man. "O wise father," said the young man, "I want to be useful to people. I want to serve them all my life. How can I do this?"
"That's very good," said the old man. "Here is a magic box. Do not open it until you reach home. If you open it now something will happen to you.
"Thank you, wise father," said the young man. He took the box and left. When he was out of the cave, he stopped. "I wonder what is in the box?" he said to himself. "I'm going to look."
He opened the box and at once he turned into a tall tree—a coconut tree. That was his punishment for disobeying the old man, but his still had his wish because the coconut tree is very useful to people.
The Story of the Coconut TreeA Traditional Malaysian FolktaleRetold by Nurhayani Abu Bakar from MalaysiaThis is the story of a beautiful moon princess, but it is also a story about bamboo, a plant which was once believed to be sacred.A tall coconut treeImage: WikipediaHe opened the box and at once he turned into a tall tree—a coconut tree.There was once an old man. He was very, very old. Some people said he was a thousand years old! He was also very wise and he knew many things. Many people came to visit him in his cave near the sea. They always asked him to help them.One day, a young man came to see this wise old man. "O wise father," said the young man, "I want to be useful to people. I want to serve them all my life. How can I do this?""That's very good," said the old man. "Here is a magic box. Do not open it until you reach home. If you open it now something will happen to you."Thank you, wise father," said the young man. He took the box and left. When he was out of the cave, he stopped. "I wonder what is in the box?" he said to himself. "I'm going to look."He opened the box and at once he turned into a tall tree—a coconut tree. That was his punishment for disobeying the old man, but his still had his wish because the coconut tree is very useful to people.

Kisah yang Coconut Tree dongeng Tradisional Malaysia diceritakan oleh Abu Bakar Nurhayani dari Malaysia ini adalah kisah seorang puteri bulan cantik, tetapi ia juga adalah cerita tentang buluh, sebuah kilang yang pernah dipercayai suci. Pokok kelapa yang tinggi Image: Wikipedia Dia membuka kotak dan sekaligus Ia berubah menjadi pokok-pokok kelapa yang tinggi. Ada sekali seorang lelaki tua. Dia sangat, sangat lama. Ada yang berkata dia berusia seribu tahun! Beliau juga seorang yang bijak dan dia tahu banyak perkara. Ramai orang datang melawat dia di dalam gua itu berhampiran laut. Mereka selalu bertanya kepadanya untuk membantu mereka. Pada suatu hari, seorang pemuda datang berjumpa dengan seorang lelaki tua yang bijak. "Wahai ayah yang bijak," kata anak muda itu, "Saya mahu menjadi berguna kepada orang. Saya mahu berkhidmat kepada mereka semua hidup saya. Bagaimana saya boleh melakukan ini?" "Itu yang sangat baik," kata lelaki tua itu. "Di sini adalah kotak ajaib. Jangan buka sehingga anda sampai ke rumah. Jika anda membuka sekarang sesuatu yang akan berlaku kepada anda. "Terima kasih, ayah yang bijak," kata anak muda itu. Beliau mengambil kotak dan kiri. Apabila dia dikeluarkan dari gua itu, dia berhenti. "Saya tertanya-tanya apa yang ada dalam kotak?" dia berkata kepada dirinya sendiri. "Saya akan melihat." Dia membuka kotak dan sekaligus Ia berubah menjadi pokok-pokok kelapa yang tinggi. Itu adalah hukuman kerana tidak mematuhi orang tua itu, tetapi beliau masih mempunyai hasrat kerana pokok kelapa adalah sangat berguna kepada orang.