Scott Nass Amarnath Reddy Donapati, Trust is hard to rebuild. And yes culture does flow from the leadership. Unpardonable is a tough one. Short of disbanding the company, any solution will require a rebuilding of trust. I believe that Witty's change is culture-changing. Time will tell. The change in compensation is so drastic that it has removed incentives to take these types of actions. If compensation is detached from revenue which is what GSK has done then the incentive to cheat goes away. [I don't know the full details but I would assume that there is still a tie to overall company performance]4 天前
Amarnath Reddy Donapati
Amarnath Reddy Donapati I agree Scott Nass. Time will tell. Happy to know that incentive structure has been changed to address this sort of unacceptable business practice. Way to go GSK