I'm home
The cage of degus was housecleaning. A half at a time of the case had been cleaned, but degus had visited while running a running wheel in the buckwheat. It had to come from time to time to help. It is very close sense of the cat. haha
Then, put hay and pellets, was newly replaced the sand bathed sand.
From home on the night of August 24 brought from the pet shop, it is the third time in a large clean this time, but degus has completely separated the feeding grounds and toilets. Also can dent the good feeling bed has become a nest. Lol
To drink as soon as you have boiled peaceful and replace the water, they come to bathe as soon as the sand bathed in the sand also will change. Since the smell sweet hay of rice, and eat immediately.
The truth than this cage, twice How can size was good, I did not ride in the table. Table is the installation furniture rental apartment.
When I live in the house previously, it had kept only one animal to twice the size.