Note. On a C-17, the JM will not issue the command of “STAND BY” until the amber light is on. The No. 1 jumper will hand his or her USLM to the safety and should be positioned about two feet from the center of the jump platform. The jumper keeps their feet spread and legs slightly flexed so that their weight is equally distributed over both feet to maintain balance. Follow-on jumpers close up behind the preceding jumper and keep a position with feet spread and legs slightly flexed so that their weight is equally distributed over both feet to maintain balance. The JM can control the No. 1 jumper by grasping one of the jumper’s diagonal back straps or according to the unit SOP. At the command, “GO,” the No. 1 jumper moves toward the door and onto the jump platform, focusing on the horizon. The jumper pushes off with either foot and vigorously jumps up 6 inches and out 36 inches away from the jump platform, immediately snapping into a good, tight body position.