Supplier Resource Guide_V1 1
Starbucks Ethical Sourcing
For Manufactured Goods & Services
Supplier Resource Guide to Ethical Sourcing at Starbucks
Supplier Resource Guide_V1 2
Introduction to Ethical Sourcing ......................................................................................................... 3
Supplier Ownership ........................................................................................................................... 4
Ethical Sourcing Process Overview ..................................................................................................... 5
Ethical Sourcing Assessment and Continuous Improvement Process ................................................ 6-11
Pre-Qualification and Facility Review ............................................................................................................ 6
Assessment Process ................................................................................................................................... 6-9
Continuous Improvement ........................................................................................................................ 10-11
Ethical Sourcing Platform (ESP)……………………………………………………………………………………..……12
Conclusion ...................................................................................................................................... 13
Reference Materials ..................................................................................................................... 14-24
Starbucks Code of Conduct and Standards ............................................................................................. 15-16
Ethical Sourcing Training………………………………………………………………………………………………………......17
Pre-Qualification and Facility Guidance document ................................................................................. 18-20
Sample Facility Assessment Checklist ......................................................................................................... 21
Scoring Performance .............................................................................................................................. 22-23
Frequently Asked Questions ........................................................................................................................ 24
Table of Contents
Supplier Resource Guide_V1 3
Our success as a company has always been linked to the success of the thousands of farmers and suppliers who grow and produce our products. Whether it’s coffee, tea, cocoa or manufactured goods & services, we’re committed to offering ethically purchased and responsibly produced products of the highest quality.
The Starbucks Ethical Sourcing Program for Manufactured Goods and Services was initiated in 2006 to evaluate, recognize and reward suppliers and factories producing goods purchased by Starbucks. Over the past several years the program has developed and evolved, leading to the release of resources to support our global supply chain. Changes in the program enable supplier ownership, shift of information management to identify and recognize top performers, and expand support for capacity building and training.
Starbucks Ethical Sourcing Purpose: Integrate socially responsible practices throughout Starbucks global supply chain to use our size for good.
• EDUCATE suppliers on our ethical sourcing program
• ENGAGE suppliers in best practice sharing and performance improvement
• MITIGATE risk and protect the brand – enable communication and marketing for other Global Responsibility initiatives
Starbucks Approach to Ethical Sourcing
• Transparency
• Continuous Improvement
• Supplier Ownership
Highlights of the Starbucks Ethical Sourcing Program
• Enables supplier ownership of the assessment and continuous improvement model
• Includes continuous improvement support
• Provides development and training offerings
Components of the Starbucks Ethical Sourcing Assessment Process
• Pre-Qualification and Facility Review
• Gap Analysis (third party assessment)
• Continuous Improvement and Facility Development
This resource guide outlines expectations for supplier ownership, detailed overview of the assessment process, and guidelines for continuous improvement.
Introduction to Ethical Sourcing
Supplier Resource Guide_V1 4
Starbucks expectation is that suppliers own and drive the Ethical Sourcing process within their own business practices and within the facilities they choose to manufacture Starbucks product.
Expectations of Suppliers
Visibility to all factories producing products
Criteria for facility selection
Dedicated resources responsible for social and environmental performance
Purchasing practices that support adherence to standards
Social and Environmental Standards
Communication of Standards and expectations to supply chain partners
Monitoring protocol to identify gaps between facility performance and standards
Resources to support Continuous Improvement efforts at factories
Pre-Qualification Guidance (see reference materials for complete form) – ensure the following steps are complete prior to introducing a new facility for Starbucks production
1. Ensure facility has received and understands the Starbucks Standards for Manufactured Goods and Services, Starbucks Zero Tolerance Standards (highlight transparency), and understands the assessment process
2. Schedule a call or visit with the facility. To ensure readiness for a successful assessment, validate the following topics
o Determine length of time that facility has been operating (ideally, a minimum of 12 months); if this is a new facility, operating history should be a minimum of 3 months with access to full documentation on work place policies and procedures, attendance records, payroll records, production records, etc…
o If the manufacturing site has been through a social and environmental assessment within the past 12 months, review the results with the facility and understand what continuous improvement efforts are underway
o Ensure facility is committed to being open and transparent
o Review the assessment process and validate access to all areas of the facility and employees for confidential interviews
o Confirm there are effective time keeping systems to capture all hours worked
Best Practices
1. Consult leading industry efforts such as GSCP and SAI Social Fingerprint
o GSCP (Global Social Compliance Programme)
o SAI Social Fingerprint (Social Accountability International)
2. Identify risk prior to the assessment
o Save the company money by determining if the facility can meet certain standards. If the facility cannot meet certain standards, the assessment should be postponed.
Supplier Ownership
Supplier Resource Guide_V1 5
Ethical Sourcing Process Overview
Complete intake process for facility
Assessment and Continuous Improvement Cycle
Review Starbucks Ethical Sourcing Training
Read and understand Starbucks standards with an emphasis on zero tolerance standards and transparency
Inform facility of standards and training materials
Provide accurate and complete information on all documents (facility intake, program overview, invoice, etc…)
Pay assessment invoice promptly to allow for timely scheduling
Attend assessment if possible
Use results to develop corrective action plan (CAP)
Engage in continuous improvement
Provide quarterly CAP updates to service provider with goal of creating sustainable solutions and providing remedy to all findings within 1 year
Supplier receives notification of assessment requirement
Supplier receives draft assessment report – Supplier: accept / reject
Follow appeal and/or dispute process
(see pages 8 – 9)
Appeal / Dispute resolved
3rd party monitor finalizes report and submits to supplier
Supplier develops CAP with facility & submits to 3rd party monitor
Submit quarterly CAP update to 3rd party monitor per schedule
Assessment conducted
Not Approved (no Corrective Action Plan)
Supplier Resource Guide_V1 6
Pre-qualify facility and complete facility intake process
• Pre-qualification: information gathering and sharing
o Introduction to Ethical Sourcing
o Review Zero Tolerance Standards and ensure understanding
o Obtain facility profile
o Identify best practices and current challenges
• Submit completed facility Intake form
o Supplier and Facility contact information: provide accurate contact information for supplier invoicing, facility assessment scheduling, and ethical sourcing reporting
o Facility Ownership: identify ownership structure (supplier owned / third party owned)
o Facility Size: include correct number of workers to allow appropriate planning (amount of time needed on-site and cost)
o Subcontractors: clearly articulate any processes subcontracted for Starbucks production
• Starbucks will advise if participation in the Ethical Sourcing Assessment Process is required
Assessment Payment and Scheduling
• Pay assessment fee directly to third party monitor. The third party monitor has been selected by Starbucks due to geographic location leveraging Starbucks trained monitors in that region.
• Supplier is responsible for all funding related to the Starbucks Ethical Sourcing Program.
• Scheduling is managed between the supplier, facility, and third party monitor.
Pre-assessment Training Call (CHINA ONLY)
A pre-assessment training call will be scheduled by a Starbucks Field Manager after payment for the assessment has been confirmed but before the on-site assessment occurs. The following will be covered:
o Starbucks assessment process / components
o Zero Tolerance Standards with an emphasis on transparency and continuous improvement
o The assessment will be postponed if any potential zero tolerance issues are identified during the call
o Supplier attendance is hi
供應商資源 Guide_V1 1星巴克道德採購製成品及服務在星巴克道德採購供應商資源指南供應商資源 Guide_V1 2道德採購的介紹...3Supplier Ownership ...........................................................................................................................4道德採購過程概述...5道德採購評估和持續改進的過程......6-11資格預審和設施審查......6Assessment Process ...................................................................................................................................6-9Continuous Improvement ........................................................................................................................10-11道德採購平臺 (ESP)......12Conclusion ......................................................................................................................................13Reference Materials .....................................................................................................................14-24星巴克的行為規範和標準......15-16道德採購培訓......17資格預審和設施指導檔...18-20示例設施評估清單......21Scoring Performance ..............................................................................................................................22-23Frequently Asked Questions ........................................................................................................................24表的內容供應商資源 Guide_V1 3我們作為一個公司的成功總是導致成千上萬的農民和種植和生產我們的產品供應商的成功。是否它的咖啡、 茶、 可哥或製造的貨物和服務,我們致力於提供倫理上購買和負責任地生產高品質的產品。The Starbucks Ethical Sourcing Program for Manufactured Goods and Services was initiated in 2006 to evaluate, recognize and reward suppliers and factories producing goods purchased by Starbucks. Over the past several years the program has developed and evolved, leading to the release of resources to support our global supply chain. Changes in the program enable supplier ownership, shift of information management to identify and recognize top performers, and expand support for capacity building and training.Starbucks Ethical Sourcing Purpose: Integrate socially responsible practices throughout Starbucks global supply chain to use our size for good.• EDUCATE suppliers on our ethical sourcing program• ENGAGE suppliers in best practice sharing and performance improvement• MITIGATE risk and protect the brand – enable communication and marketing for other Global Responsibility initiativesStarbucks Approach to Ethical Sourcing• Transparency• Continuous Improvement• Supplier OwnershipHighlights of the Starbucks Ethical Sourcing Program• Enables supplier ownership of the assessment and continuous improvement model• Includes continuous improvement support• Provides development and training offeringsComponents of the Starbucks Ethical Sourcing Assessment Process• Pre-Qualification and Facility Review• Gap Analysis (third party assessment)• Continuous Improvement and Facility DevelopmentThis resource guide outlines expectations for supplier ownership, detailed overview of the assessment process, and guidelines for continuous improvement.Introduction to Ethical SourcingSupplier Resource Guide_V1 4Starbucks expectation is that suppliers own and drive the Ethical Sourcing process within their own business practices and within the facilities they choose to manufacture Starbucks product.Expectations of Suppliers Visibility to all factories producing products Criteria for facility selection Dedicated resources responsible for social and environmental performance Purchasing practices that support adherence to standards Social and Environmental Standards Communication of Standards and expectations to supply chain partners Monitoring protocol to identify gaps between facility performance and standards Resources to support Continuous Improvement efforts at factoriesPre-Qualification Guidance (see reference materials for complete form) – ensure the following steps are complete prior to introducing a new facility for Starbucks production1. Ensure facility has received and understands the Starbucks Standards for Manufactured Goods and Services, Starbucks Zero Tolerance Standards (highlight transparency), and understands the assessment process2. Schedule a call or visit with the facility. To ensure readiness for a successful assessment, validate the following topicso Determine length of time that facility has been operating (ideally, a minimum of 12 months); if this is a new facility, operating history should be a minimum of 3 months with access to full documentation on work place policies and procedures, attendance records, payroll records, production records, etc…
o If the manufacturing site has been through a social and environmental assessment within the past 12 months, review the results with the facility and understand what continuous improvement efforts are underway
o Ensure facility is committed to being open and transparent
o Review the assessment process and validate access to all areas of the facility and employees for confidential interviews
o Confirm there are effective time keeping systems to capture all hours worked
Best Practices
1. Consult leading industry efforts such as GSCP and SAI Social Fingerprint
o GSCP (Global Social Compliance Programme)
o SAI Social Fingerprint (Social Accountability International)
2. Identify risk prior to the assessment
o Save the company money by determining if the facility can meet certain standards. If the facility cannot meet certain standards, the assessment should be postponed.
Supplier Ownership
Supplier Resource Guide_V1 5
Ethical Sourcing Process Overview
Complete intake process for facility
Assessment and Continuous Improvement Cycle
Review Starbucks Ethical Sourcing Training
Read and understand Starbucks standards with an emphasis on zero tolerance standards and transparency
Inform facility of standards and training materials
Provide accurate and complete information on all documents (facility intake, program overview, invoice, etc…)
Pay assessment invoice promptly to allow for timely scheduling
Attend assessment if possible
Use results to develop corrective action plan (CAP)
Engage in continuous improvement
Provide quarterly CAP updates to service provider with goal of creating sustainable solutions and providing remedy to all findings within 1 year
Supplier receives notification of assessment requirement
Supplier receives draft assessment report – Supplier: accept / reject
Follow appeal and/or dispute process
(see pages 8 – 9)
Appeal / Dispute resolved
3rd party monitor finalizes report and submits to supplier
Supplier develops CAP with facility & submits to 3rd party monitor
Submit quarterly CAP update to 3rd party monitor per schedule
Assessment conducted
Not Approved (no Corrective Action Plan)
Supplier Resource Guide_V1 6
Pre-qualify facility and complete facility intake process
• Pre-qualification: information gathering and sharing
o Introduction to Ethical Sourcing
o Review Zero Tolerance Standards and ensure understanding
o Obtain facility profile
o Identify best practices and current challenges
• Submit completed facility Intake form
o Supplier and Facility contact information: provide accurate contact information for supplier invoicing, facility assessment scheduling, and ethical sourcing reporting
o Facility Ownership: identify ownership structure (supplier owned / third party owned)
o Facility Size: include correct number of workers to allow appropriate planning (amount of time needed on-site and cost)
o Subcontractors: clearly articulate any processes subcontracted for Starbucks production
• Starbucks will advise if participation in the Ethical Sourcing Assessment Process is required
Assessment Payment and Scheduling
• Pay assessment fee directly to third party monitor. The third party monitor has been selected by Starbucks due to geographic location leveraging Starbucks trained monitors in that region.
• Supplier is responsible for all funding related to the Starbucks Ethical Sourcing Program.
• Scheduling is managed between the supplier, facility, and third party monitor.
Pre-assessment Training Call (CHINA ONLY)
A pre-assessment training call will be scheduled by a Starbucks Field Manager after payment for the assessment has been confirmed but before the on-site assessment occurs. The following will be covered:
o Starbucks assessment process / components
o Zero Tolerance Standards with an emphasis on transparency and continuous improvement
o The assessment will be postponed if any potential zero tolerance issues are identified during the call
o Supplier attendance is hi