I evaluated the contractions of the muscles of the lower extremities during baseballpitching using video imaging and simultaneous surface EMG. The subjects were 10 members of ahigh school baseball club and, for contrast, 10 students without any baseball club experience . Idivided their pitching movements into two phases determined with respect to the landing of the nonpivotleg. The EMG signal intensities over the 2 seconds prior to landing, and over the 2 secondsafter landing, were then integrated to give an EMG value to each phase. I then computed this valueas the % MMT. The abductor and adductor of the hip muscles of both lower extremities in theplayers were strongly contracted, especially the adductor. This finding was consistent with theobservation that pitching tends to lead to adductor muscle disorders. Strengthening the adductorand its antagonist abductor can therefore directly influence the capability for pitching, and canreduce the risk for the adductor disorders.