(A) The measurement process of the SERS-based LFA strip for HIV-1 DNA. (B) A photograph of these LFA strips after dropping variousconcentrations of HIV-1 DNA (C: control line, T: test line; white circles: detection points). Adapted from ref. 148 with permission from Elsevier. (C) MeanSERS spectra for lower concentrations of SEB from 0.1 pg mL1 to 1000 ng mL1. Adapted from ref. 149 with permission from the Royal Society ofChemistry. (D) Images of three test lines for various concentrations of Myo, cTnI and CK-MB. (E) Schematic diagram of the core–shell nanostructurebased variant SERS LFA strip. Adapted from ref. 140 with permission from Elsevier