The disgusting food I'd like to introduce is wasp cookies. This is a new rice fruit biscuit product, in Japan's Otsuka caused a sensation. How did it come about? Bumblebee enthusiasts teamed up with local cookie makers to develop this unique bumblebee cookie. Next, it's the process of making it. First, wasp hunters set traps in nearby rural areas to catch wasps. Second, bring them to the boil and dry in the water. Third, add the wasp to the rice fruit mixture. Finally, the mixture is imprinted. They are sold through local markets or select gourmet shops. Some people try to eat after sharing: taste very much like raisins, slightly sour and bitter taste. In fact, the taste is not bad, but when biting the body will flow out of sticky things, wings and legs stuck in the middle of the teeth, the feeling is still strange. But in the end, the feeling of nausea comes more from imagination than from the cookies themselves. But it's worth noting that wasps contain a lot more protein than steaks.
The disgusting food I'd like to introduce is wasp cookies. This is a new rice fruit biscuit product, in Japan's Otsuka caused a sensation. How did it come about? Bumblebee enthusiasts teamed up with local cookie makers to develop this unique bumblebee cookie. Next, it's the process of making it. First, wasp hunters set traps in nearby rural areas to catch wasps. Second, bring them to the boil and dry in the water. Third, add the wasp to the rice fruit mixture. Finally, the mixture is imprinted. They are sold through local markets or select gourmet shops. Some people try to eat after sharing: taste very much like raisins, slightly sour and bitter taste. In fact, the taste is not bad, but when biting the body will flow out of sticky things, wings and legs stuck in the middle of the teeth, the feeling is still strange. But in the end, the feeling of nausea comes more from imagination than from the cookies themselves. But it's worth noting that wasps contain a lot more protein than steaks.