I can’t tell you how many times people from my past jobs have looped around and become my mentors, confidants, clients, and allies over the years. It’s literally dozens. I have recruiting clients today who hired me because we worked together 15 years ago. I just did the resume of a former co-worker’s son. I booked a substantial outplacement project through a former boss, who now works at a firm that was going through a reduction in force.
Had you told me 15 years ago how valuable my colleagues from years past would be, I suspect I would not have believed you. Fortunately, I still stayed in reasonable touch with my peers and supervisors (thank you, LinkedIn), and today it’s paying off handsomely. It just may for you, too.
When you’re early on in your career, trying to figure out which seeds to plant (and when) can be confusing and overwhelming. For some, it may also feel so far out that these foundational moves couldn’t possibly matter. But as both a long-time career strategist and a 40-something professional, I’ll tell you straight up: Deliberate, strategic moves today can (and very likely will) put you well ahead of the pack in the long run.
And the view from the front? It’s pretty much always nicer than the rear.