Instant Source allows you to take a look at web page's source code, to see how things are done. Also you can edit HTML directly inside Internet Explorer!
While this has always been possible using the IE View Source command, Instant Source changes the concept entirely, and allows you to view the source code for the selected elements instantly, without having to open the entire source.
The program integrates into Internet Explorer and opens a new toolbar window which displays the source code for whatever part of the page you select in the browser window. In addition, you can even set it to show source code for every element under your cursor, allowing you to quickly peak through the source as your cursor moves across the page.
Why Internet Explorer's View Source command is very inconvenient for viewing HTML?
1. Usually, you want to look at the code of a certain part of the page, not the entire page. The time needed to find the right code block may be significant.
Every time you must select View Source command from the menu and switch to the text editor.
You can't access external *.css and *.js files.
View Source command displays HTML without syntax highlighting.
You can't save Flash movies and other external files without using of the additional software.
Web Browser (we will talk about Internet Explorer only) shows not the same HTML source as you see! It shows HTML that was loaded from the server without any further processing. However, modern sites extensively use Dynamic HTML for changing the page code after loading. Hence, what-you-see is NOT what-you-get! Here's the simple example .