4 Ways to Make Vocals Clear and Professional1. For a modern sound, the dynamics of vocals need to be consistent. Every word and syllableshould be at roughly the same level (allowing for human expression). Use automation to manuallylevel out the vocal before compression.2. Your lead vocals need to be upfront and in-your-face. Applying reverb to the vocal can pushthe vocal further back in the mix. Instead, use a stereo slapback delay to create a space aroundthe vocal and add some stereo width. Use low feedback (0-10%) and slightly different times onthe left and right sides. Delay times between 50-200ms work great.3. Sometimes EQ alone isn’t enough to enhance the top-end. By applying light saturation, youcan create new harmonics and add more excitement.4. If you’re recording in a room that’s less than ideal, room resonances can quickly build up.Find these resonances using the boost-and-sweep technique and then remove them with anarrow cut.