Based on 2D-PEH, there are actually various histogram modification strategies. The idea of pairwise PEE [19] is to expand or shift bins in a less distorted direction as much as possible. Its modification rule is presented in the left figure of Fig. 3. For conventional PEE with T = 1 as illustrated in the left figure of Fig. 2, the pair (0,0) is expanded to (0,0), (0,1), (1,0) and (1,1) to embed 2 bits. However, for pairwise PEE, to reduce the embedding distortion, the directions with high distortion, e.g., mapping (0,0) to (1,1) is discarded, and the pair (0,0) is only expanded to three pairs (0,0), (0,1) and (1,0) to embed log3 bits. In addition, by pairwise PEE, the pair (1,1) is expanded to (1,1) and (2,2) to embed 1 bit, while it is only shifted to (2,2) in conventional PEE. Clearly, the idea of pairwise PEE can be directly applied to the adaptive PEE embedding shown in the right figure of Fig. 2. That is to say, mapping (2,2) to (3,3) can be discarded as well, and (2,2) will be expanded to three pairs (2,2), (2,3) and (3,2) to embed log3 bits. The corresponding mapping is presented in the right figure of Fig. 3.
基於2D-PEH,其實有不同的直方圖作案科幻陽離子策略。成對PEE [19]的思想是在失真程度較小的方向盡可能地擴大或移位二進制位。其MODI音響陽離子規則被呈現在圖2的左音響古爾。3.對於T =常規PEE 1如在圖的左側連接古爾2所示,一對(0,0)被擴展為(0,0),(0 ,1),(1,0)和(1,1)中嵌入2比特。然而,對於成對PEE,以減少失真嵌入,具有較高的失真,例如,映射(0,0)到(1,1)的方向上被丟棄,並且該一對(0,0)僅擴展到三對( 0,0),(0,1)和(1,0),以嵌入log3中位。另外,通過成對PEE,一對(1,1)被擴展為(1,1)和(2,2)中嵌入1比特,而它是在常規PEE僅偏移到(2,2)。顯然,成對PEE的思想可以直接應用到自適應PEE在圖1的右連接古爾所示嵌入。2.也就是說,映射(2,2)到(3,3)可以被丟棄,以及,(2 ,2)將被擴展到三個對(2,2),(2,3)和(3,2)中嵌入log3中位。相應的映射被呈現在圖3中的右音響古爾。
