Author Contributions: This paper was developed with the active contribution of the doctorate candidates EvertonGomede, Fernando Gaffo and Gabriel Briganó and the orientation of Leonardo Mendes, and Rodolfo Barros.Mendes and Barros are both advisors of the candidates Gomede, Gaffo and Briganó, and besides heading theresearch group, are the main responsible for the propositions and hypotheses being proposed and tested. Mendesresearch areas are in Intelligent Cities and applied problems in Computational Intelligence. Barros main researchfields are in Governance, Strategic Planning and applied Computational Intelligence. Everton Gomede mainresearch field is applied Computational Intelligence for Smart Cities. His main contribution for the paper was inthe processing of data with computational intelligence techniques and mathematical models. Fernando Gaffomain research area is Strategic Planning for Smart Cities. Gabriel Brigano main research area is Governance forSmart Cities. Gaffo and Brigano’s main contribution for the paper was in collecting and structuring informationfor data mining and analyzing. All participants gave important contributions to the formulation of the hypothesesand the definition of the data analytics for the educational dataset.Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflicts of interest.