EXCELPOLlTAN INTERNATIONAL COLLEGE - hereinafter referred to as EPI and the
SHIH CHIEN UNIVERSITY hereafter referred to as USC, considering their common interest in
promoting the mlltua1 cooperation in the area of education and research, wish to expand the basis
for friendship and cooperative educationa1 exchange, agreed the following Memorandul11 of
Understanding (MOU) 。
Article 1: Purpose
The purpose of this MOU is to deve10p academic and educationa1 cooperation on the basis of
equa1ity and reciprocity and to prol11ote re1ations and mutua1 understanding between the
Article 11: Scope of the Cooperation
80th parties undertake to promole and deve10p academic cooperalion as follows
1. Exchange of academic and administrative sta何and students
2. Extension of students'learning oppo付unities . • • •
3. Cooperalion in research and the presentation of its results
4. Exchange of academic materia1s, pub1ications and olher scientific information
5. Other educationa1 and academic exchanges to which both inslitutions agree .
Article 111: Financia1 Arrangement
1. 80th parties agree that all specific arrangements and p1ans for activities are 10 be negotiated
and are dependent on the avai1abi1ity of fllnds
2. Bot1> parties agree to feasib1y seek financia1 support from nationa1 and internationa1
organizations for the cooperative activities to 'be un甘ertaken as staled under the terrns of this
Article IV: Agreement of Imp1ementation
A detai1ed description ofthe scope of activities shall be defined in the Agreement of
imp1el11entation‘ which constitutes an integra1 part of this MOU
The Agreel11ent of 1mp1ementation will inc1ude such items as
1. E1aboration of the responsibi1ities of each institution for the agreed activities
2. Schedu1es for speci 日c actJVJtJes
3. Budgets and financia1 sources for each activity
4. Any other itel11s deemed necessary for the efficient management ofthe activities
Article V: Intellectual Property Rights and Publication
1. The panies will share all data and research findings. and respect patent rights. copyrigh的, and
other intellectual prope前y rights regarding any discoveries, inventions and products resulting
from this MOU.
2. Both pa口ies must give written approval for the utilization and publication of the data and
research findings
3. Detailed arrangement of finding and their Intellectual Prope口y Rights and Publication shall be
defined in the Agreement of Implementation
Article VI: Confidentiality
1. Both panies will maintain the confidentiality of all Confidential Inforrnation of the disclosing
pa口y and will not disclose any Confidential Inforrnation to any employees or to any third
pany except on a need to know basis. Such confidentiality obligations shall survive and
continue beyond the expiration or termination of this MOU for a period of one (1) year. EPI
and USC hereby agree to comply with the privacy laws under the Personal Data Protection
Act 2010
2 “ Confidential Infonnation間, means in respect of a pany, all of that pany's intellectual prope口y
and information relating to that pany's private or business a仟al悶, includin皂, without
limitation, technical. financi訓, operational, administrative, marketin皂economic and other
information, which is disclosed by one pa鬥Y to the other pany, its officers, employees, agents
or sub-contractors as a result ofthis MOU
Article VII: Settlement of Oifferences
The differing viewpoints and interpretations of this MOU shall be settled amicably by mutual
consultation or negotiation
Article VIII: Amendments, Ouration and Termination
1. Amendments to this MOU can only be made þy mutual consent for the tlVO parties
2. This MOU shall be in e作ect from the date of its Sgnature and be valid for the duration of
three years from that date, and shall be renewed by the panies upon tenns and conditions to
be discussed and agreed upon by the panies at that time
3. This MOU may be terrninated by either pany by written notice at least six (6) months prior to
the termination date. Such notice of termination will not interfere with cooperative programs
currently underway. Such programs will be allowed to continue until their conclusion
Article IX: Binding Effect
1. This MOU is not intended to be legally binding. It merely expresses the intentions and
understanding of the parties which will fOml the basis of any legally binding agreement to be
drafted and executed il1 the future
2. Notwithstandi l1g the non-binding nature of this MOU, each party acknowledges that it enters
into this MOU in good faith and with a high level of commitment towards finding areas of
collaboration and conciuding the contractual arrangements necessary to cover the work
carried out pursuant to the collaboration
This MOU is prepared in English and in two copies of this MOU. Both copies shall be
deemed as authentic ones, eitber of wbich be kept by each party. As witness to their consent
this MOU, the appropriate authorities hereto provide their signatures:
Chief Executive
諒解備忘錄學術與研究 COOPERATlON之間EXCELPOLITAN INTERNATl 馬來西亞國際學院和實踐大學、 臺灣 (中華民國)EXCELPOLlTAN 國際學院-以下簡稱 EPI 和以下簡稱 USC,考慮到他們共同感興趣的世建大學促進該地區的教育和研究的 mlltua1 合作,希望擴大基礎友誼與合作的 educationa1 交流,商定的以下 Memorandul11理解 (諒解備忘錄)。第 1 條: 宗旨本備忘錄的目的是對學術的 deve10p 與 educationa1 合作的基礎上equa1ity 和互惠和 prol11ote re1ations 和 mutua1 之間的理解tnstltutJOns第 11 條: 合作範圍80 締約承擔省和 deve10p 學術 cooperalion 作為跟隨1.學術和行政 sta何and 學生交流2.學習 oppo付unities 副檔名。• • •3.在研究和介紹其結果 Cooperalion4.交流學術性質、 pub1ications 和寫科學資訊5.其他的 educationa1 和兩個 inslitutions 同意的學術交流活動。•第一百一十一條: Financia1 安排1.80 締約方同意,所有具體的安排和 p1ans 活動是 10 面議和依賴的 avai1abi1ity 的 fllnds2.Bot1 > 締約方同意 feasib1y 尋求從 nationa1 和 internationa1 的 financia1 支援組織的合作活動 ' 成為陳舊性下的這 terrns un甘ertaken諒解備忘錄 》第四條: 協定的 Imp1ementationDetai1ed 描述的活動範圍應在協定 》 中規定imp1el11entation' 的組成部分的是我的 integra1 的這份諒解備忘錄1mp1ementation Agreel11ent 將新時期等專案1.每個機構商定活動的 responsibi1ities E1aboration2.為規格日c actJVJtJes 的 Schedu1es3.預算和每個活動的 financia1 來源4.任何其他 itel11s 所必需的各項活動的有效管理第五條: 智慧財產權問題和出版物1.企業將分享所有的資料和研究結果。和尊重專利的權利。copyrigh的,和關於任何發現、 發明和產品造成其他智力 prope前y 權利從這份諒解備忘錄。2.兩個 pa口ies 必須給予書面的批准的利用和公佈的資料,研究結果3.詳細安排的發現及其 Prope口y 智慧財產權和出版物應在執行協定中定義第六條: 保密1.這兩個企業將保密所有機密資訊的披露pa口y 不會透露任何機密的資訊,向其雇員或任何第三公司除了需要知道的基礎上。這種保密義務應生存和continue beyond the expiration or termination of this MOU for a period of one (1) year. EPIand USC hereby agree to comply with the privacy laws under the Personal Data ProtectionAct 20102 “ Confidential Infonnation間, means in respect of a pany, all of that pany's intellectual prope口yand information relating to that pany's private or business a仟al悶, includin皂, withoutlimitation, technical. financi訓, operational, administrative, marketin皂economic and otherinformation, which is disclosed by one pa鬥Y to the other pany, its officers, employees, agentsor sub-contractors as a result ofthis MOUArticle VII: Settlement of OifferencesThe differing viewpoints and interpretations of this MOU shall be settled amicably by mutualconsultation or negotiationArticle VIII: Amendments, Ouration and Termination1. Amendments to this MOU can only be made þy mutual consent for the tlVO parties2. This MOU shall be in e作ect from the date of its Sgnature and be valid for the duration ofthree years from that date, and shall be renewed by the panies upon tenns and conditions tobe discussed and agreed upon by the panies at that time3. This MOU may be terrninated by either pany by written notice at least six (6) months prior tothe termination date. Such notice of termination will not interfere with cooperative programscurrently underway. Such programs will be allowed to continue until their conclusionArticle IX: Binding Effect1. This MOU is not intended to be legally binding. It merely expresses the intentions andunderstanding of the parties which will fOml the basis of any legally binding agreement to bedrafted and executed il1 the future2. Notwithstandi l1g the non-binding nature of this MOU, each party acknowledges that it entersinto this MOU in good faith and with a high level of commitment towards finding areas ofcollaboration and conciuding the contractual arrangements necessary to cover the workcarried out pursuant to the collaborationThis MOU is prepared in English and in two copies of this MOU. Both copies shall bedeemed as authentic ones, eitber of wbich be kept by each party. As witness to their consentthis MOU, the appropriate authorities hereto provide their signatures:EXCELPOLlTAN lNTERNATlONAL COLLEGE SHIH CHIEN UNIVERSITYChief Executive