Information technology contexts. Since 1989, the TAM model has been widely examinedand supported as a valid model in predicting individual acceptance behavior across diverseinformation technologies and their users in work and academics. In some prior studies in the ITliterature, the TAM has been proven to be a robust model for understanding and work on ISsimplementation, predicting about 40% of IS utilization (e.g. Nah, Tan, & Teh, 2004; Venkatesh& Davis, 2000). For example, many studies tried to apply the TAM in IT-related cases, in whichthe TAM has effectively described human behavior to accept a certain number of IT appli-cations. These studies relate to previous researches about the adoption of IT hardware (Chen,Chen, & Yen, 2011), IT software (Gallego, Luna, & Bueno, 2008), web usage, and online appli-cations (Li & Qiu, 2008). In Malaysia, some scholars used the TAM model in predicting Internetshopping, Internet banking, e-library usage, and personal computer use among scholars(Ramayah & Lo, 2007; Ramsey et al., 2003). A study of five Indian states by Pick, Gollakota,and Singh (2014) established that use of telecenters could improve the income and capabilities of280 farmers who were selected for their study. The authors also attempt to realize factors thatinfluence adoption and use of information technology by these farmers. In doing so, theyused the dimensions of technology adoption, the diffusion theory of Rogers (2003) (i.e. relativeadvantage, compatibility, low complexity, and observability), and two dimensions of the TAM(i.e. usefulness and ease of use). The result of this study indicated that the dimensions of the dif-fusion theory and the TAM can significantly improve the use of telecenters by farmers.