The instrument inspection and control for this project mainly includes the following technological processes: drying and flue gas dust collection, dry ore stockyard, soot granulation and proportioning system, smelting, reduction, calcining and flue gas dust collection, electric furnace and flue gas dust collection, coal pulverization, diesel room, smelting blower room, air compressor plant and circulating pump house, etc..
The instrument inspection and control for this project mainly includes the following technological processes: drying and flue gas dust collection, dry ore stockyard, soot granulation and proportioning system, smelting, reduction, calcining and flue gas dust collection, electric furnace and flue gas dust collection, coal pulverization, diesel room, smelting blower room, air compressor plant and circulating pump house, etc..

Instrumen inspeksi dan kontrol untuk proyek ini terutama mencakup proses teknologi berikut: pengeringan dan buang pengumpulan debu gas, bijih stockyard kering, jelaga granulasi dan sistem proporsi, peleburan, pengurangan, kalsinasi dan pengumpulan debu gas buang, tanur listrik dan pengumpulan debu gas buang , peluluhan batubara, ruang diesel, ruang blower peleburan, udara tanaman kompresor dan beredar rumah pompa, dll ..