The most i use ny handphone, can chat with friend by Facebook, wahtsapp. Viber, tango. Many ways mah. Or i can call them. And now i married so i had better dun contact with Women, can make my wife jealous. And dont conctact with friend do close, cause' i need spend time for my wife, and my expecting baby.
我使用的最新的手提電話,可以聊天的朋友,wahtsapp等。 viber、探戈。 很多方式馬赫。 或者我可以請他們發言。 現在我結婚,我已更好地盾聯系的婦女,可以使我的妻子嫉妒。 和東聯系密切,與朋友做事業」,我需要花時間,我的妻子,我期待著 嬰兒.