ISBNs IN EBOOKSIn the case of a Work in Bepub format that has been assignedan ISBN owned by the Company, the Author acknowledges thefollowing:1.) ISBNs are not transferable. The ISBN assigned by theCompany is registered to the Company, and must remain theproperty of the Company.IMPORTANT - The Author is not permitted to distribute or sell the EBOOK version of their book through other retailersunless they have removed the Company's namd and ISBN from their EBOOK file(s), purchased their own ISBN, and placed that ISBN in their EBOOK file. Authors can't assume ownership of an ISBN if they have not purchased that ISBN because it is registered to the Company. Authors can't directly sell or distribute products that are registered under the Company's ISBN.Authors can, however, remove the Company's name and ISBN from their EBOOK and sell the EBOOK on their own site and/or purchase their own ISBN to distribute the EBOOK to other EBOOK retailers.ISBNs IN PRINT BOOKSIn the case of a Work in P.O.D. format that has been assignedan ISBN owned by the Company, the Author acknowledges thefollowing:1.) All sales for the Work (except for printed copies the Author has purchased directly from the Company for resale)must be processed by the Company because the Company is the publisher of record in the distributors' and bookstores' systems.However, if an Author chooses to use their own ISBN, ordersgoing through Ingram will come to BookLocker (the Companyunder contract with Ingram and other service providers), notto the Author. Bookstores using Books in Print to obtainordering information may order through the owner of the ISBNbut may also order through Ingram or another distributor, attheir option.Authors using their own ISBN must register their own bookwith Books in Print, the database maintained by R.R. Bowker,the U.S. ISBN agency. The Company registers its own ISBNswith R.R. Bowker. 2.) Upon termination of this contract, the ISBN is unassignedfrom the Work and decommissioned. ISBNs are not transferableand can't be used on a book published by another publisher,or printed by another printer, even if the Author owns the ISBN. A new ISBN must be assigned each time a book is republished, regardless who owns the ISBN.3.) If the Author's book is terminated for any reason, andthen reactivated for any reason, the most recent version ofthe Company's contract will automatically be in effect. The current contract can always be found here: