What Defines Us To Be Together ...
Kenneth Diggs wsxwsxwd20161412:11 Hello my dearest ,Whatever made you decide that you can’t live without me and you want me ? Well, that fact alone thrills my silly heart because i can see a pattern being set that defines what each of us have sought...Although you dawdled along, coming to that conclusion as if i didn’t know,That i would grab hold of your heart, Inside you, I would grow...I am like a grassy weed that pops up every year to get your attention to spend some time with me,All part of my master plan to build up a relationship and family made up of three...I admit i really love you pursuing me,Makes me feel seventeen again and however i am much more wiser now you’ll learn when our life begins...I’ll be your pen, if you’ll be my journal and within you i’ll compose a song of love...Within you i’ll jot out my own sweet memories,And within you i’ll write things you’ll never believe...Like the adventures that have brought me to the here, to the now,And have created the person i am...I am trusting you with my love to conquer my hatred,My words are my promises and i won’t conceal any thought from you...For within your pages i'll inscribe everything i can transmit from my mind and all the words that will always be From the heart,From the soul,All the words i’ve never told to anyone else ever before...My love is your gift,so Keep it safe and warm...I will have to stop here and get some thing``s done ....I will be looking forward to read back from you soonest ,Also i have this one question for you ....Can You Be My Wife ?? Waiting for an answer on that when replying ?Lot Of Hugs And Kisses For You ...KennethKenneth DiggsThe Miracle Of Life Shown In Front Of My Eyes.
wsxwsxwd @ com什么定义了我们要在一起......Kenneth Diggs wsxwsxwd20161412:11 Hello my dearest ,Whatever made you decide that you can’t live without me and you want me ? Well, that fact alone thrills my silly heart because i can see a pattern being set that defines what each of us have sought...Although you dawdled along, coming to that conclusion as if i didn’t know,That i would grab hold of your heart, Inside you, I would grow...I am like a grassy weed that pops up every year to get your attention to spend some time with me,All part of my master plan to build up a relationship and family made up of three...I admit i really love you pursuing me,Makes me feel seventeen again and however i am much more wiser now you’ll learn when our life begins...I’ll be your pen, if you’ll be my journal and within you i’ll compose a song of love...Within you i’ll jot out my own sweet memories,And within you i’ll write things you’ll never believe...Like the adventures that have brought me to the here, to the now,And have created the person i am...I am trusting you with my love to conquer my hatred,My words are my promises and i won’t conceal any thought from you...For within your pages i'll inscribe everything i can transmit from my mind and all the words that will always be From the heart,From the soul,All the words i’ve never told to anyone else ever before...My love is your gift,so Keep it safe and warm...I will have to stop here and get some thing``s done ....I will be looking forward to read back from you soonest ,Also i have this one question for you ....Can You Be My Wife ?? Waiting for an answer on that when replying ?Lot Of Hugs And Kisses For You ...KennethKenneth DiggsThe Miracle Of Life Shown In Front Of My Eyes.