Recently, there is a case that is worth remembering. At around the end of September, Mr & Mrs Lee and their daughter Macy came to our store, Macy has good experience with Airpods, so she recommended it to her mom, but Mrs Lee is worry about the price of Bluetooth headphones; I used the Apple steps of the service to learn about the customer’s problem.Mrs Lee has two bluetooth headphones, but the headphones are only have limited warranty and the repair charges are high if warranty is expired, I have the same experience and showed empathy for her situation.I used the Airpods to live demo to Mrs Lee, introduced Siri, Apple Music, Apple Care+....etc, and show the “Live Listen” function to her unconsciously; Mrs Lee is very surprised and told me that the “Live Listen” is very good for her daughter Macy, because Macy always cannot hear clearly of university lectures content, and “Live Listen” can act like a microphone that sends sound to the AirPods, help her hear the professor speaking across the classroom or hear a conversation in a noisy area, Macy is very surprise and happy for that; Finally they bought two Airpods. This case taught me how to discover the hidden problem of customers, understand the problem, provide effective solutions for customers and eliminate their doubts.